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Chapter 1: My mom and dad.

*3rd person 1981*
About 13 years ago,
when he-who-must-not-be-named (Voldemort) was in the hight of his destruction along with his "faithful" followers the Death eaters he arrived in Godric's Hollow where a famous young couple had just brought their newborn daughter home from St. Mungos hospital for magical maladies. Luke and Maya had just put their baby to bed when the front door slammed open. He ordered the death eaters to find the child whilst he took care of some unfinished business. Before you could say "Quiddich" death eaters swarmed into the baby's room but the baby was nowhere to be seen.


downstairs Maya turns to Luke and says "i need to do this alone, look after Olivia and run take her and run!"
Luke couldn't reply because voldemort opened the door, behind which they were hiding. Maya pushed Olivia into her husband's hands and began Duelling him.
"What are you going to do when I've Killed you and your pathetic husband who is running away with your baby, What will you do?" He taunted, "Your house is almost to the ground, I'll wipe you out like i did with your pathetic cockroach of a sister. i heard that she's joined the Hogwarts Ghosts."
"You leave her out of this!crucio"Yelled Maya but had no effect on the dark lord.
"Silly girl! you really think that would work on me? Lord Voldemort? Avada Kedavra!" said Voldemort
and Maya moved no more, Voldemort moved swiftly through the ruined house but Luke was nowhere to be seen...

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now