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Chapter 25 : Goodbyes.
We leave hogwarts tomorrow but today it's Cedric's Funeral. I drag myself from my bed, and look in the mirror at my blue hair. I sigh and go into the bathroom and get ready for the day. I get a shower and change into my clothes which were waiting on my bed once i had emerged from the bathroom. I then walk slowly to Dumbledore's office where i would be flooing out of the castle to Cedric's old house before we leave for the funeral. I walk up to Dumbledore's office alone tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. I give the password to the gargoyle and walk slowly up the stairs. I knock twice on the door and wait for Dumbledore to allow me inside. He says "Enter" and I walk inside and stood staring at the fire. He walks closer and I nod at him as he hands me the pot if floo powder. I take a handful and walk towards the flames and throw down the powder. I walk into the now green fire and say clearly
"The Diggory's house!" and I was whisked away in a whirl of ashes. The headmasters office spun around me and was replaced by many grates from different places. I soon started to slow down spinning and found myself in the living room of my ex boyfriend and friend. I see that Mrs Diggory is waiting for me and I rush forward to hug her.
"I am so sorry! If I hadn't had met Cedric or threatened The Dark Lord when I was younger you wouldn't be in this situation." I say and she chuckles
"Olivia, just like you told Harry Potter, It's not your fault. I want you to say something about Cedric in front of everyone at his funeral, to honor him." she said sadly
"I'll try." I say and she nods.
"Let's get the ash off your clothes and wait for Amos at the Portkey." she said and I just nod dumbly as she hands me a clothes brush. I attack the ash on my dress but get tired of it sticking closer to my clothes.
"Scurgify!" I whisper pointing my wand at my clothes and body cleaning off any remaining ash or soot. Once I am clean, we stand outside by a bucket with a hole in for Cedric's father. Once he arrives we all grab hold of the bucket and we are whisked away to Cedric's funeral. it took place in a church graveyard almost identical to the one he was killed in. I fight back tears as I remember his smile and the way he laughed. I walk into the church and try to sit at the back but I am lead to the front of the church right next to his coffin. I try to make up a speech in my head but words failed me and then I felt somebody tap my shoulder.
"Hey," it was Cho Chang, "Whatever you say will make Cedric proud. He thought the world of you as his non biological sister. good luck." she said as my name was called by the wizard running the service for him. I stumble up to the altar next to where Cedric lay in his coffin. I take a deep breath and begin to talk about the boy who had called me friend.
"Cedric. How can I begin? I can't believe he's gone but he wouldn't want me to cry because Cedric always saw the light in the darkest situations, that's why I'll need him more than ever during the coming up years. Cedric once told me that we shouldn't cry because a certain thing is over, we should smile because it happened. He was alive saying those words to me at Christmas in my third year. Crazy, huh Ced?" I pause and take a shaky breath before continuing, "How you're with me one day but I have to live without you the next day? I was too late to save you...Just like you saved me. I miss you Buddy. I mean, who else would chase me once I turned their hair pink and lift me over their shoulder until I changed it back? Who else will be there when I need a hug from someone who is almost my Big Brother and Who will scare off all the bullies for me when I get picked on? that was all you Ced... Just come back. You finally got the courage to ask out the girl you had been crushing on for ever since I knew you. And most of all I miss our little adventures to get Ice cream from the kitchens and not be caught by filch who always looked at us funny as if he knew what we did. I want you back in my life and I don't know if I can live without you." I wiped a tear that had strayed down by cheek and decided it was time to wrap up my speech even though there was so much more to be said,"I could talk for hours about how I'd see him on his wedding day or how we'd work together in the ministry...the list goes on. But all I have to say now is Goodbye Cedric. Don't forget to look after yourself. Goodbye." I complete my speech and step down from the alter and leave a white rose on his coffin as if to represent his pure heart. I sit back down Next to Cho, who i decided wasn't that bad after all, and listened to whatever was said next until his burial.
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust." said the wizard running the service. He raised his wand and the dug up earth piled itself on top of his coffin. Everyone else seemed to walk away once it had been finished but I stayed and stared at the pile of dirt that covered my best friend. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up.
"Come on dear, You need to get back to Hogwarts so you can get home to your family." said Cedric's Mom
"I don't have a family anymore, just my Godfather." I say
"Olivia, if he loves you as his daughter then he is as close to a father than you'll ever have."
"Thanks, Mrs Diggory."
"I only said what Cedric would have. and call me Anne."
"Okay Anne, Will you be okay?"
"I'll have to be, just don't contact us for a while forget that don't contact us again. It will just bring back painful memories."
"What?" I say and she just shakes her head
"It's for the best." she said and sidled away leaving me in the graveyard alone. I walk to the edge of the road and call the knight bus. I had to get back to Hogwarts some how.
I returned to Hogwarts yesterday, Dumbledore met me at the gates. I ignored everyone and went straight to bed and feigned sleep when Hermione and Abi came up to the dorms to see me. This morning I changed into my shorts and tee shirt and then went down to the leaving feast. I sat alone and in silence as Dumnledore talked how we should remember Cedric and Honor Harry Potter. He looked in my direction and as he opened his mouth to speak I stood up and walked out. I don't think anybody has ever done that before during the Headmasters speech. I ran all the way up to my dorm and packed the remainder of my things into my case. I turned around once I felt eyes boring a hole in my back. It was Dad.
"what is it?" I ask
"Olivia, what is the matter with you?" he says
"Nothing, whatever makes you think that something is wrong?"
"The fact that you were the first student in Hogwarts history to walk out of the great hall inthe middle of the headmasters speech?" he said
"Well, that's a real eye opener thanks dad!" I say sarcastically
"I can't help you unless you tell me Livvie!" he says and I burst into tears
"H...He's G...G...Gone and there's nothing that I can do about it. His parents don't want to see the face their son called his sister and I really want you to be okay." I sob onto his shoulder.
"Hey, hey. don't say I won't be okay because I will as for Cedric's parents, they're grieving just like you are, yeah? I want you to have him back too but we can't change the fact he is gone, what about Adam?"
"Adam." I repeat stupidly before realising, "Adam!" i say panicked.
"Get changed then find him, I'll see you sometime in the holiday." said dad and left the room. I change out of my tear stained clothes and then make my way back down to the grea hall. I wait in the entrance hall for a few minutes and then everybody walks out. I look for Adam before shouting to him.
"ADAM!" I yell and he turns around as I run to him.
"Hey, Liv." he says once I reach him.
"Hey, I guess it's been a while,huh?" I say ashamed of myself for not spending as much time with him as I could
"Well he was your friend."
"I still love you, Adam." I say and look into his eyes.
"What made you think that I ever stopped?" he asks and lifts my chin up.
"I never doubted it." I say and he kisses me for the first time In weeks. It felt amazing, better than our first because I know it will not be our last. He looks at me and smiles,
"Shall we get that train then." he said and we boh ran towards the last coach from Hogwarts. This year I had to say goodbye to a close friend and now it's time to close the book of this year at Hogwarts and go home where Remus is waiting for me.

Mistaken : A Harry Potter Fanfic (sequel to Lost)Where stories live. Discover now