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One positive pregnancy test later and Jungkook knew his troubles were very real.

He had a bond and a baby on the way but to an alpha who wanted 'space', not a relationship.

Not that he could blame Jimin but where did that leave him?

Jimin's warning about pulling his own weight ringing in his ears, he asked Darcy about what work he could do.

The beta hadn't played ball at first, suggesting Jungkook rest and settle in but Jungkook knew that without the protection of an alpha in this new pack, he needed to be seen to be useful, to want to work.

He was relieved when they told him he could clean.

Cleaning was something doable, something non-threatening, something mindless to occupy him.

So, when he wasn't sleeping or eating, he found some corner of the common space and scrubbed.

There seemed to be no end to the number of people in the pack most of whom lived in the bigger house but there seemed to be half a dozen families who lived in nearby cottages, like Tae and his alpha.

Max scared Jungkook, tall,broad-shouldered and Jungkook wanted to shudder whenever the alpha's gaze landed on him.

He couldn't help but feel anxious around the other alphas.

With Jimin keeping his distance, there was no one there to ward them off.

Most of them had mates, which was a relief but how long until he caught the attention of one who didn't?

So, he kept his head down and cleaned.

He was on his hands and knees, washing the floor of the corridor outside the kitchen, when Max arrived, his two older boys racing down the corridor ahead of him and disappearing into the kitchen.

Max strode after them, his expression part-exasperation, part-fondness.

Jungkook ducked his head as the alpha neared.

"Morning, Jungkook." Max said as he passed.

"Morning," he whispered back not moving until the alpha was safely inside.

Taehyung arrived a few minutes later, baby balanced on his hip and stopped to ask Jungkook how he'd slept before following his family into the kitchen.

Jungkook got back to work only for Taehyung to return a minute later, sans baby and with two cups in his hands.

"Why don't you take a break," he told Jungkook.

"and come have some tea with me?"

Jungkook wasn't sure he could say no so climbed to his feet and followed Taehyung around the corner to a large window that looked out onto the woods at the back of the house.

There was a long window seat and Tae perched on it, gesturing for Jungkook to sit next to him before handing him a cup of tea.

Jungkook took a sip of the tea, surprised to find it hot and sweet.

"Max is a good guy, you know," Tae said out of nowhere. "I know he looks a little scary but he's a teddy bear really, You should see him with the boys. So gentle."

He wasn't sure what to say to that. "I—"

"Only, he thinks you're scared of him. He says Yoongi said the same thing. Yoongi has taken to avoiding the corridors you're cleaning in because he says you tense up like a frightened rabbit any time he's near."

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