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Jungkook couldn't get Jimin off his mind. It didn't help that a month after their night together, his bite mark still hadn't healed.

He had taken to covering it with makeup he borrowed from a cousin on top of the scarf he always wore.

He was lucky that Jimin's successes in the ring were keeping his uncle occupied and he wasn't yet looking for him to reel in another mark.

But it wouldn't be long before he did and then the truth would have to come out.

What would Jungkook do then?

What would happen when his pack realized he was bound to some fighter they had enslaved.

A good fighter, by all accounts but Jungkook knew every fighter there had a price on their head.

Once they realized that the bond was blocking their ability to lure in more fighters, Jimin would very quickly end up in fight after fight to the death until he lost, and the bond was broken.

Not that there could be a bond, not really. But still, with no sign of the mark fading, Jungkook had to admit that something had gone wrong.

Maybe two somethings, if he was really honest about why he was having trouble keeping his breakfast down these days.

Another fight, another win for Jimin and Jungkook was escorted to the alpha's room again, ignoring the jibes from the guards.

Jimin was always cautious when Jungkook first arrived, listening carefully for the guards outside.

On this occasion, he relaxed quickly, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

Jungkook, too nervous to sit, hovered nearby.

"I've been thinking, about what you said."

Jimin inclined his head, signaling that he was listening but didn't say anything.

Jungkook lowered his voice, knowing the alpha could still hear him.

"About getting out of here."

The words made his stomach turn, his whole body rejecting the idea of leaving the safety of his pack but how safe would it be for him when they learned the truth?

When he stopped being useful as anything but entertainment for the captive fighters?

"And?" Jimin prompted carefully.

"Me getting out wouldn't be hard but you How would we even—There's the guards and your ankle monitor and..."

"One good thing about spending my nights locked in here is that I've had a lot of time to think." the alpha said, motioning for Jungkook to come closer.

Jungkook stepped up to him, jumping a little when the alpha's hands settled on his waist, urging him closer still.

"When you leave my rooms, you're too untouched."

"I think the guards are starting to get suspicious."

"We need to keep up the illusion or they're going to figure out that all we're doing is talking."

They weren't just talking.

Jungkook did a lot of sleeping in Jimin's presence.

He couldn't explain it, but he felt safe in the alpha's room.

Like nothing and no one could get to him.

"Anyway." Jimin said, running his hands down Jungkook's sides as he spoke, ignoring how the omega jerked at the touch.

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