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Jimin hadn't expected to be accosted by an angry Joon on his return.

He listened to his brother's concerns then went to see his omega for himself.

The omega was feigning sleep, pale and wan and Jimin had no intention of calling him on it.

He picked Jungkook up instead, settling the omega against him and carried him back not to the impersonal guest wing but to Jimin's own rooms.

Maybe Joon was right and he'd gone about this whole thing the wrong way.

He set Jungkook down on his bed and sat down on the edge next to him.

Jungkook's eyes were still closed but there was a tension in his frame that made it very clear he wasn't asleep.

"You're not a prisoner here or a servant, You don't have to spend all day on your knees, scrubbing floors and you aren't unprotected either. Everyone in this pack is protected from those outside who might wish us harm."

Jungkook's eyes did open then, avoiding his gaze. "But what about inside? Who'll protect me from the other alphas?"

"You don't need to be protected from them." he insisted gently.

"They're all bonded and they'd never hurt an omega."

"If they did they'd have me, Joon and everyone else to answer to."

"So, I am under your protection?" Jungkook pressed.

"Of course you are, you're carrying my bond mark but what I'm trying to say is that you don't need to be worried here."

"This pack is a safe place."

"We respect each other, we work together. If someone, anyone, bothers you and it won't happen but if it does, you tell me or Joon or Tae and it will be sorted out."

Jimin leaned over, bracing himself on his arm as he angled his head to meet Jungkook's gaze.

"Has someone bothered you?"

"Has someone tried to hurt you?"

"If they have, you need to tell me."

Jungkook shook his head mutely
and Jimin felt a heavy sense of relief.

"You were just scared they would."

The omega nodded, avoiding his gaze again.

"I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you," he promised.

"And I'm sorry for how you're feeling right now. Joon's right."

"I'm being an idiot and it's hurting both of us."

"How do we fix it?" Jungkook asked dully.

He seemed listless, lifeless.

Like a puppet with its strings cut.

"We close the space between us," Jimin said simply, knowing that physical contact was the only thing that would remedy this.

He kicked off his shoes and stretched out next to Jungkook.

"Whenever you're ready," he encouraged, seeing the glances the omega kept throwing his way.

That he'd been misunderstood was immediately apparent because Jungkook's hands went to his belt, tugging at the buckle.

Jimin covered the omega's hands with his own.

"No, This isn't about sex."

"It's about touch. Comfort, closeness. Healing."

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