Episode 8: Two To Go

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Fighting. Fighting. Fighting. The Ninja and Mei were not new to this. Not one bit. And now, here they were trying to defend as many people as possible.

But that was the problem. There didn't seem to be...anyone left.

Mei constantly flew around with The Ninja in her arms...although, she had to admit, it was kinda difficult to carry them.

"Soooo...your whole thing is fire?" Kai asked as he and his friends awkwardly hung from her arm.

Mei hummed. "Yeah, pretty much! Interdimensional destroying fire and all that."

"...well, consider me jealous." Kai grumbled.

Zane hummed. "This does bring up a good point. Our powers are stopped by The Crystal Warriors, yet your fire is not. Why?"

"Well, Red can probably explain this better than I can!" Mei giggled. "But think of my fire as some kind of energy, and not an element! Plus, different dimensions and all that."

Cole nodded. "Makes enough sense to me."

"Ummm, is there any less awkward way to carry us all? I don't like dangling by Zane's leg!" Jay cried.

Mei shrugged. "I can't carry all four of you! My arms aren't that big!"

"See, this is why being a dragon right now would be super helpful!" Kai exclaimed. "We were gonna have these dragon forms and-"

Mei then gasped. "That gives me an idea!!!"

The Ninja all looked at her before suddenly...Mei dropped them. They screamed as they fell through the air...only for them to fall on the back of a green dragon, but it wasn't like a lot of the dragons they had seen in their life.

This dragon did not have wings, and while it did have arms and legs, it was shaped like some kind of serpent. Mei's shadowy silhouette was at the hand of the flaming dragon as it flew around.

"THIS IS AWESOME!!!" Jay exclaimed as he almost surfed on Mei's dragon form...but then, he nearly slipped, only for Cole to catch him and pull him back up.

Cole sighed. "Let's not do that again, hmm?"

Zane then started scanning the city, with his functions also being supercharged due to the laws of this new realm. He was looking for any kind of human life as Mei flew around.

Kai looked at his robotic friend. "Anything, Zane?"

Zane was...silent. He then looked at him. "...no. Everyone in this city has been crystallized."

The other Ninja looked down, feeling guilty already. They had barely been in this city for a day and The Crystal King had taken it over. Just like Ninjago...

Mei then flew off towards the docks, having heard The Ninja. She looked around the city, her home...and she sighed with a heavy heart. How many times was something bad going to happen to it?

She was surprised that they were still living in it after it was either conquered or destroyed or both so many times.

They arrived at the docks shortly after to see their friends taking out a small legion of Crystal Warriors, with all of them working together to finish them off. Mei flew down and then dispersed her dragon form as she landed on Sandy's boat, The Ninja following suit.

Lloyd gasped. "GUYS!"

"LLOYD!" The Ninja all cried as they rushed to their friend, relieved he was alright.

Cole looked around. "Where's Master Wu?!"

"I've been trying to reach him. He's not responding." Lloyd said, gesturing to his earpiece.

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