10 things i hate about you

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  Tonight the Slytherin common room was hosting one of there infamous parties. And everyone was invited. Even the Gryffindors.

  Well the only reason they're invited is because Slytherin won the Quidditch match, and they wanted to shove it in Gryffindor face. so naturally, none of them show up.

The party was going on downstairs, but I was still in the dorm with Pansy getting ready last minute because she convinced me too.

" I don't know Pansy I'm thinking it's a bad idea now."

"Oh, come on it'll be fun, and you just broke up with Theo so now it's time to show off your hot body."

"That makes me want to not go even more pans. What if he laughs at me?"

"Now who would laugh at you look at you. You look stunning ok? The Slytherin colors really suits you!"

"All right, let's go Before I change my mind."

We head downstairs and an instant smell of sweaty teenagers and booze hit my nose. I look around and spot Theo. my nerves instantly taking over and walking to the bar.

"Five shots- no six shots of fire whiskey, please."

"Hey thanks for getting me something."

"Oh I'm sorry Pans did you want something?"

"Y/n your drinking all of that by herself this early into the night?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I just can't take this right now."

Times skip to a very drunk you~ (Third pov)

Y/n was making they're way up to the karaoke station. And next thing you know she's grabbing the microphone, picking out a song and start singing.

" Hello everybody! I am here to sing my sorrows, and this song goes out to Theo, blase, and Draco. My lovely, toxic exes."

They lift they're arm up and continue,

"Hit it!"

Looking at Blaise she says,

"I caught you cheating
You had the nerve to say you're sleeping
Just not with her, but tell your friends
That I'll be lost without you."

Now looking at all five they sing,

"And I'll admit it
Sometimes I miss when we were in it
So I made a list so I never forget
All the things I hate about you"

To Tom,

"Ten, you're selfish"

To Mateo,

" nine, you're jaded"

To Theo,

"Eight, the dumbest guy I dated"

To Blaise,

"Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds, and I had to fake it"

Back to Tom,

"Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you"

To Draco,

"Three, you still got Daddy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo"

Now looking at all of them with hatred in they're eyes,

"One, I hate the fact that you made me love you"

Walking around everyone and singing with so much passion saying,

"Your friends must suck if they think you're cool"

Stopping behind Draco placing a hand on his shoulder,

"A sloppy drunk obsessed with his Juul
Keep buying bottles with your daddy's money"

Walking over to Blaise looking at him sadly and disgusted,

"And I don't know how I fell for your shit
You gross me out, now I've got the ick"

Continuing over to Theo placing they're soft hand on his cheek,

"And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me"

Roughly, pushing his face away, they walk back over to the stage of passing by them, lightly, tapping their heads, repeating what they said at first,

"Ten, you're selfish"

"nine, you're jaded"

"Eight, the dumbest guy I dated"

"Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds and I had to fake it"

"Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you"

"Three, you still got daddy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo"

"One, I hate the fact that you made me love you"

Closing their eyes and singing their heart out, saying,

"You made me love you
You made me love you
Ooh, ah
How'd you make me love you?"

Looking back at the boys, they say slowly with sorrow in their eyes,

"And I'll admit it
Sometimes I miss when we were in it
So I made a list, yeah
Ten things I hate about you!"

Spinning around, so they're back is facing the boys while saying,

"Ten, you're selfish"

Turning back around to face them while they say which one who associates with it

"nine, you're jaded"


"Eight, the dumbest guy I dated"


"Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds and I had to fake it"


"Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you"


"Three, you still got mommy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo"


"One, I hate the fact that you made me love you"

All of them.

The boys look shocked to see them sing that about each of them. Silence took over the common until the large cheering of pansy, followed by all the other students came rushing in.

With a smile on their face. They hop off the stage and join pansy, giving her a side hug while they both walk up back to their dorm together.

"I killed that."

855 words

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