This Is Shitty Foreplay

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brrring, brrring.

The sound of the house phone ringing tears your eyes away from the tv in front of you. It's Halloween night, but it's a gloomy once. A thunderstorm and yet the streets are still filled with people. Your parents are gone for the weekend at some Halloween party 3 hours away that they attend every year. Before this one, they've insisted that you stayed with your grandmother, but now that you're 18 they have no choice but to let you stay home.

It's not that they suspected that you would go out to some insane party, in fact it's the opposite. You hate Halloween and everything that surrounds it, well except for the movies. Seeing someone get killed on a movie is exciting, but people dressing up and pretending to be someone for one night is not something that you're exactly interested in. To top it off, you hated the sound of kids running around and yelling "Trick or treat!"

To put it in simpler words, your friends call you the Grinch of Halloween.

Very funny.

Your parents were very specific on leaving you alone for the weekend. Every door stays locked, you don't go out, and no one comes in. You can understand their paranoia considering there's a serial killer making their way around Hawkins. A very cliché one at that.

A masked killer that no one has been able to identify. Ever since the release of the Scream movie, people have been running around in Ghostface costumes for two Halloween's straight. It annoyed you, not only because it ruined one of your new favorite movies, but also because idiots think it's the funniest thing in the world.

It's not.

Unfortunately, the movie has inspired some idiot to run around town and murder people. It has everyone on edge, and you're surprised that there are so many kids walking around the neighborhood right now. They've managed to not get caught after 6 murders, so there's extra police in the neighborhood tonight.

brrring, brrring.

You choose to ignore the ringing phone because you already had a few options in your head of who could be calling. It's either your parents calling drunk, your friends also calling drunk, or your ex-boyfriend, who forgets that you're not together when he's drunk.

The ringing stops which allows you to turn back to the movie in front of you. You pull the covers up closer to your chest, jumping slightly when a jump scare appears on the screen. You reach over, grabbing a handful of popcorn out of the bowl next to you.

And that's when you hear it again.

brrring, brrring.

You groan, standing up and walking over to the phone and grabbing it. "Hello?" You ask, hearing the silence on the other side of the phone. "Hello." You hear a voice answer, and your face scrunches up in confusion as you hear it.

"Who is this?" You question, your eyes glued to the tv to avoid missing any part of the movie. "Who is this?" The voice questions back, and you immediately roll your eyes at the irony of the call.

This isn't unexpected, people prank call on Halloween all of the time. Fortunately for them, you love to play along and then ruin their fun.

"I think you have the wrong number." You reply, watching the girl in the movie run from the killer. "Do I?" The voice asks again, and although they may be using a fake voice thing, you can tell it's some boy calling you.

It's not unusual that someone is prank calling you. Kids do this all of the time on Halloween night. They need to choose another number to bother, but for now you'll play along.

"Yeah, maybe you're trying to reach my parents. I'm alone, all by myself in the house for the weekend." You joke with him, pulling yourself up to sit on the counter. You can only hear his breathing before he answers again.

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