Our Fucked Up Love Story

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**Excuse any mistakes. I did not read over this yet.


The only thing running through your mind right now is Eddie.

It had only been a few hours since he left your house this morning, and you still haven't been able to begin to process everything.

For one, you slept with your ex-boyfriend who you swore to never talk to again. In comparison to the other news sitting in your brain, this is the least of your worries.

Eddie now knows that you're the other killer, so his stress has been relieved. He explained that he's been going crazy trying to figure out who was mimicking his kills.

It's crazy to say in a normal conversation, but it's quickly becoming your norm. You explained to him how sloppy he's been, and how he's making his way to getting caught. He disagrees though, in his head he can do no wrong.

Maybe that's why you broke up.

But that's not the point.

He woke up in a good mood, and although he scared the shit out of you, he made up for it in the end. Somehow, he came up with an elaborate plan for the both of you to kill together.

In theory, it's extremely wrong, and you can agree that there's much better things for the two of you to be doing, but the rush after is what keeps you going.

It's like a drug, but no drug can possibly compare to the feeling. You get a tingly feeling in your body, and for a moment you feel pure euphoria. Eddie said that he had the same exact feeling, and this feeling is what pushes him.

So now, you're sitting here ironing Eddie's costume because apparently he had something really important to do.


**8 Hours Ago**

"Finally, you're awake. I've been waiting." Eddie says, nearly scaring the shit out of you. Just that quickly you'd forgotten that he was in your bed. The memories from last night quickly come rushing in as you glance at his costume on the floor.

"Good morning." You whisper, rubbing your eyes and stretching. This didn't feel out of the norm at all for you, you used to sneak Eddie in all of the time so that he could spend the night with you. "I have a plan." He blurts out, standing up and walking in front of your bed.

"A plan?" You question, sitting up in the bed so that you could listen to him. "Yes, and one that I think you'll really like." He continues, looking down at you.

"Go on, tell me." You encourage him. "Right. Listen, there uh, another party tonight. People our age, and I think that would be the perfect place for both of us to go... uh-"

"Kill people." You finish, looking at him weirdly. He nods excitedly, a smirk appearing on his face. "So, how are we going to do it?" You ask again, waiting for his reply.

"We're going to go in our regular clothes, keep these costumes hidden somewhere. We'll never both be in it at the same time because we don't need them suspecting us." He answers you, sitting down on the bed next to you. "So, what do you say?"

"I'm in." You reply, and he grabs your face, turning you towards him. "You better be." He says, kissing your lips and standing up again.

You glance at the costume he's picking up, frowning at the look of it. "Your costume is disgusting." You blurt out, coming to the realization that it's real blood and not fake blood. "Oh shit. I'm busy, please clean it." He replies, a little awkwardly. You think you could have made him nervous, but you're not sure.

"I got it. What do you have to do?" You question, standing up and grabbing the costume out of his hands. Before you can turn away, he grabs your arms, spinning you to face him again. "Nothing you need to worry about. I'll be here at eight." He continues, lightly kissing your forehead and walking out of your room.

I Want To Be In The Sequel [Eddie Munson One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now