Chapter 1

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This week is the worst, mood swings, my hairs out of place, it wasn't natural this morning, now its all over the damn place, my legs are really freaking dry, I look like a chalk board, my glasses, I cannot find them, I need them now, and to top it all off I'm furious for no apparent reason and Liam wont leave me alone. I dont like being rude to him, but my moods messing everything up.

"Liam stop I'm not in the mood, I'm sick my stomach hurts a lot and my nefew won't leave me alone."

I snapped as Liam tried to cheer me up, so far it wasnt working, why cant he understand I'm not in the mood for anything? I got off the couch then looked at him, his eyes full of hurt.

--Liam's Point Of View--

Oh my, why is she acting like this, she's always complaining about her looks, she says she looks like sh*t over and over again. That's a load of bullsh*t, she looks like an angel to me, I wake up to that beautiful face everyday, I get to see her close those ocean blue eyes at night and open them again the next morning, and her hair wavy and blonde it grows out to the middle of her back she isn't tall, I find it cute when she stands on her tippy toes to reach something in the cabinet, and she is the whole package to me, she's afraid I might leave her one day. Who in their right mind would give up someone as precious as my Corinne?

"Fine Corinne, wanna watch a movie?" I asked pulling out The Hunger Games as it was her favourite movie.

"Liam stop, I don't want to do anything. Leave me alone." Well, that's not a very nice answer now is it? I am Daddy Direction, I always make her happy when she's like this but today its not happening, I wonder whats wrong, I saw her beautiful eyes blink once before she turned away and walked to our bedroom, impatiently.

"Okay, I understand..." I dont think I'm winning this sad moment, she wont budge nothings going to make her happy. I love her when she's happy.

--Corinne's P.O.V--

He just doesn't understand how bad I feel right now. I just shut down a perfect moment to cuddle with Liam, I feel like the stupidest girl in the planet, I probably am.

I have the worst backaches, I've been feeling sick, constantly vomiting and I've missed my monthly week of hell... Somthing is wrong, my sister Taylor told me about pregnancies, and this suits a lot of what I'm going through, wait am I pregant? Is that what's happening? Oh god, I need to google this now.

-On The Computer-

"Symptoms to pregnancy may include nausea, fatigue, aching in the lower back, and an obvious symptom, A.Missed.Period." I whispered this quietly and I tried to calmly walk towards the living room where I found Liam sound asleep on the couch.

I gently tugged at Liam's shoulder. "Liam.. Babe wake up." I whispered into his ear, only to recieve a responding groan, it is 4:41 A.M, I shouldn't wake him up now but this is urgent..

"Yeah babe?" He managed to say in his extremely hot morning voice, I literally melt at the sound of it.

"Can we go to um Rite-Aid or Walmart? I really want uh... chocolate, yeah I'm craving chocolate!" Is that a good enough reason? Ehh, I'll just go with it.

"But babe, you can drive yourself!" He almost yelled, bingo I know what he wants.

"If you drive me, you can buy Toy Story 3, you know.. how it's the only one left you need to buy, it's now or never Payne!" I shouted making sure he'd jump up and get ready, he's been dying for the last Toy Story.

"Woooooo!!!! I finally get to buy it, race you to the car! If you lose you have to give me a kiss! If I lose I'll carry you around Walmart!"

"You're on! Get ready to carry me around Liam!" I yelled getting ready quickly and racing down the stairs into the car.

"Yes! I win, and for my loser he still gets a kiss because he's just so irrisitable!" I said give him a little peck.

"Hey, no fair you cheated! I call for a rematch when we get back!" Somebody's sad because they usually win.

-At Walmart-

Liam carried me around for a while until we got my chocolate, he let me down slowly then he started boucing around looking for Toy Story 3, what an amazing child my boyfriend is!

I made my way to what I call the "sex" part of walmart, creative right?! I looked down the aisle and it just went: Condoms, condoms, more condoms. BINGO. Pregnancy tests.

I went to go get Liam whos face lit up with excitement with Toy Story 3 in his own hands, he was clutching onto it so hard I thought he mightve broken the case, luckily he didnt. We went to the pay and the cashier looked up from her glasses and smiled politely asking, "Nervous? Does he know?" I turned to look at Liam amused as he was flipping through a One Direction magazine, silly boy. "Yes, completely, and he doesn't know, well at least not yet." She just gave a light laugh before placing the test into the bags. "Good luck and good morning miss!"

-In the house-

Liam won the re-match and I actually had to give him a REAL kiss, I didn't really mind, Directioners would die for a kiss.

"Liam, I gave you your kiss but this isnt fair, you didnt even pull the key out of the car before you raced inside the house and I just sat at the car, not one more kiss for the night babe! " I protested smirking as he loves to kiss.

"B-but Corinne! Look, let's see how long you last yeah?"

"Alright let's go." He said starting the car and going to your flat.

*in the house*

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom right quick, be right back!" You said breaking out of the warm hug he held you in.

"Okay love, don't be long.." He mumbled in his sleep.

*in the bathroom*

You took the test, sat on the counter and waited for about 5 minutes.

"Okay, its time." You said, butterflies fluttered throughout your stomach as you got closer to the pregnancy test. You picked it up and...

A.N: Hey guys, Hope you enjoy the fan fic(:


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