Chapter 1: The Burrow

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3rd Person POV

Raven and Wren were in the kitchen. Wren had been teaching her son how to cook for most of the summer. They had successfully made cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning, and now they were making fish sandwiches for lunch.

"Okay, Little Bird." Wren said. "Show me how you hold a knife."

"Like this." Raven said, holding the knife like a murderer would.

"Raven, no!" Wren gasped.

"Raven yes!" Raven jokingly retorted. Wren looked at him in shock. Raven snorted at her reaction and turned the knife the correct way.

"I'm kidding, Mumma Bird, I just love messing with you." Raven chuckled.

"You're going to make me die from a heart attack, child." Wren sighed, putting her hand to her chest.

"Hey!" Raven said quickly. "If I can't say things like that, then neither can you, understood!"

Wren looked at her son surprised. "Yes, sir." Raven turned back to the fish. Wren smiled and kissed the top of her son's head, happy that he cared for her.

After another successfully cooked meal, the two sat down to enjoy their lunch. "Mmm, I'm such a good cook." Raven moaned, after taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Only because I helped you." Wren retorted.

"Shh, let me have this." Raven said. Wren shook her head smiling.

"I finished that book you got from Daphne." Wren said. "It was very good, she's got great taste."

"I agree." Raven said. "I don't read many romance novels, but I quite enjoyed that one. She wrote me saying she enjoyed The Hobbit, so I'm excited to gift her The Lord of The Rings books next."

"Well I hope she likes them." Wren said. "Let me know if she can recommend me any more romance novels, and I'll do the same for her."

At around five o'clock, Raven and Wren had their things packed, and were about to head out to bring Harry to the Weasley's, for the Quidditch World Cup. "Got everything, Little Bird?" Wren asked.

"Yep, all set and ready to go." Raven said. The two headed outside. Wren had used the Reducio Charm on their things, so she could fit it all in her pockets.

"Head to the Weasley's, we'll meet you there. Be safe." Wren said, setting her owl, Izanami to fly off. Uri being a cat meant she couldn't fly, so Raven held her in his arms as she would Apparate with them there. "Alright, hold on tight." Raven grabbed hold of his mother's arm, while holding Uri with his other.


The doorbell to the Dursley's front door rang. Vernon Dursley, expecting the Weasley wizard family, mentally prepared himself and opened the door. "AH!" He gasped seeing two other people, one he remembered from last years visit. "Petunia! That woman's back, and she brought a boy that looks just like her!" He yelled to his wife.

Harry began coming downstairs. "W-what do you want this time? You're not the Weasleys." Petunia said as she got to the door. Harry from the stairs noticed who it was.

"Raven? Mrs. Mordecur?" He questioned happily.

"Harry!" Raven beamed. Harry made his way down to the front door.

"We're here to pick you up, Harry." Wren said. "We're going to the Quidditch World Cup as well."

"I thought the Weasley's were picking me up." Harry said.

"Change of plans." Wren said. "I offered to pick you up. I hope that's alright."

"Absolutely." Harry said. "I've got my things packed, so let me go get them."

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