Chapter 17: Suspicions

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3rd Person POV

Raven laid there on the podium, closing his eyes, happy that it was over. "Are you planning on taking a nap?" Daphne asked, looking down at him as others made their way to the boats.

"Not a bad idea." Raven said, putting his arms behind his head, and crossing his legs. "Merlin knows I won't catch a cold."

"C'mon you dork." Daphne chuckled, holding out her hand. "Let's go have a victory feast." Raven opened his eyes and looked at Daphne with a smile. He brought his hand to hers and she helped him stand up. "If you weren't going to get up soon, I was going to have Astoria body slam you." Raven looked to Astoria who gave him a look that said, 'I would have done it.'

"Lucky I decided to get up then." Raven said, imagining how much that would hurt.

The three of them got into a boat together, and on the ride back to the school, Daphne's mind was filled with what Raven had said earlier. 'Aww, did I make your heart skip a beat?'

He was so flirting with me. Daphne thought. That's it, if he doesn't already have plans during our next Hogsmeade visit, I'm going to take him somewhere private and tell him how I feel! And If he ends up rejecting me, I at least hope we can still remain friends.

Daphne then began to explain to Raven and Astoria what happened when she went to Snape's office last night. She said he led her to McGonagall's office along with the other champions, where they were put into a bewitched sleep, and told them that they'd be perfectly safe.

As Raven, Daphne, Harry, Ron, and Hermione made it to the dungeons for potions, they saw they other Slytherin's huddled outside the classroom. They were looking at something. "There they are, there they are!" Pansy Parkinson giggled, noticing them approach. She was holding a set of magazines-Witch Weekly.

"You mind find something to interest you in there, Granger!" Pansy said loudly, throwing the magazine at Hermione. "You too, Daphne." She threw the other one at Daphne. The dungeon door opened and they all went inside. Raven and Daphne found a table for them both as they always sat together in potions, and started reading the magazine.

Rita Skeeter had written foul things about Hermione. They skimmed through the part about her, which also mentioned Harry and Krum, and searched for Daphne's name. Once they found it, it read:

Blonde Feud
Slytherin fourth year, Daphne Greengrass, who's a close friend to champion, Raven Mordecur, seems to be very possessive over him. Fleur Delacour attempted to show her generosity to Mr. Mordecur for helping save her sister during the second task. However, Miss Greengrass denied the French courtesy by standing in her way yelling, 'No more kisses!'

I didn't yell! Daphne thought angrily.

No news on how Mr. Mordecur feels about such actions. It seems once again, blondes are fighting for his love.

I wasn't being possessive, I was jealous! Daphne thought, crumbling up the article and throwing in into a waste bin.

Her face was red, and she hesitated to look at Raven. She was a little worried about what face he was making and about what he would say.

"Don't let Rita Skeeter get to you." Raven said softly. "She's just writing nonsense."

"Yeah...Yeah, you're right." Daphne said, moving her hair behind her ear and looking at Raven. "I wasn't trying to be possessive though, if you were thinking that."

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