Chapter 15: Hogsmeade with Mum

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3rd Person POV

Raven woke up the next morning with the lingering thoughts he had the previous night. When Daphne was about to say something before she got interrupted by Snape and Karkaroff, he thought she was about to confess to him. After hearing what she actually said, he became a little disappointed. Sure he had a wonderful time, but he wanted to move things forward.

He would have confessed himself, but he was worried after hearing that she didn't, he would ruin their friendship, and he didn't want to push her away. The kiss on the cheek after they said goodnight made him even more confused. Was it a friendly gesture, or was she flirting?

Girls can be so confusing sometimes. Raven mentally sighed, getting out of bed.

He fed Uri and gave her some treats, to which she gave him a delighted meow. "You can thank Luna for those when she comes back." Raven said. Raven went to have breakfast and then finish the homework he had neglected the first week of the holidays.

Once the new term began, Raven and his friends made it down to Care of Magical Creatures, though everyone but Raven was cold, as the grounds were still filled with snow. There was a bit of an awkward silence between Raven and Daphne, but not too awkward, as they still exchanged a few words. They just couldn't tell what the other one was thinking, and haven't had the chance to speak since the night of the Yule Ball, and Daphne's cheeks would occasionally heat up when she met his eyes.

Once they arrived to Hagrid's cabin, they found an elderly witch standing before his door. "Hurry up, now, the bell rang five minutes ago." She barked at them.

"Who're you?" Ron asked the question everyone wanted to know. "Where's Hagrid?"

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank." She said briskly. "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

"More like Grumpy-Plank." Raven whispered to Daphne, who had to put a hand on her mouth to hide her laugh. This broke any awkwardness the two formerly had.

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry repeated loudly.

"He is indisposed." Grubbly-Plank said shortly. "This way, please." She led them around the paddock where the Beauxbatons horses were shivering. Harry kept asking Grubbly-Plank what was wrong with Hagrid, but she ignored him.

Once they made their way past the Braxan, they saw toward a tree on the edge of the forest, where a large and beautiful unicorn was tethered. The unicorn kept her eyes on Raven.

"That's quite a sight." Raven said in awe.

"Wow." Daphne said, completely amazed.

"Oh it's so beautiful!" Lavender Brown whispered. "How did she get it? They're supposed to be really hard to catch!"

"Boys keep back!" Grubbly-Plank barked. "They prefer the woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, and approach with care, come on, easy does it..."

She and the girls walked slowly forward toward the unicorn. "Go on, she won't bite." Raven told Daphne and she walked away from Raven and toward the unicorn.

While the girls were admiring the unicorn the boys were leaning against he paddock fence. Raven, however, went into Instinct Mode and the unicorn felt his calming aura and kept her gaze on him.

Sensing that she was comfortable with his energy, Raven walked toward the unicorn. "Mr. Mordecur, I said girls only!" Grubbly-Plank barked, seeing him approach. The other girls turned and were confused, except for Hermione and Daphne.

"Relax, she's not going to run from me." Raven said calmly, as reached his hand out to pet the unicorn. Grubbly-Plank and the other girls unaware of Raven's gift, looked shocked. "See, she's a good girl." Raven said, petting her. Raven, avoiding her horn, rested his head on hers."

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