Chapter 17

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"You know that Gisla ruined me." Emerys says
"Shes my sister Emerys" Kila said
"She left me with nowhere to go" Emerys responds as Kila finally sees the emotion in her eyes finally something real

"I'm sorry that happened to you" he says realising what he has done he instantly drops his sword on the ground
He lowers his head
"You have no idea how this will effect her"
He says
Emerys steps forward towards Kila
"I'm sorry I would never hurt you" he says feeling like a monster

Emerys looks up at him wide eyed as he looks down at the woman she had grew into Kila suddenly feels himself being bewitched by her beauty his eyes stare a few minutes with desire
"What Emerys" whispers
he cups her face with his hand and kisses her , Emerys lets him as he pushes her backwards against the wall. The kiss is rough as Kila gives into all his desires for Emerys he kisses her neck causing a soft moan to escape her as he looks to the ceiling.
After a few minutes of heavy breathing through kisses they pull away from eachother

"I don't know what came over me" he whispers as Emerys looks at him taking in his own beauty
"You should leave" she whispers he nods
"I'll be back" he whispers and suddenly walks out of her room as Emerys sits on her bed alone with her thoughts on what the hell just happened.

"Well that was a surprise visit" Alys says pulling her dress back over her shoulders as Aemond sits on her bed leaning over thinking.
When Alys first met Aemond she was 33 and him only 12 when Alys had began her relationship with him in a way where she thought she could fully control him.
She was now 39 and Aemond 19 he was growing more mature and more free yet he always came back to her.

"What's wrong my love?" Alys asks Aemond
"I've been pushed into yet another arranged marriage yet again. From Emerys to Gisla , from Gisla back to Emerys all these stupid girls when in reality all I would really want is you" Aemond says to the older woman. The woman who took his virginity the woman who wanted Aemond to make her queen of the seven kingdoms

"You want to marry me?" She asks
"That's all I want" Aemond whispers kissing the woman yet again did he really want Alys or was she just all he had ever known? The only one who had grew close enough to him
Emerys sits by the dragonpitt as she hugs Myrsi
"You know we could leave right now?" Emerys says to the dragon causing its head to nudge her body

"What? Why not we can explore the world Myrsi it would be fun just you and me" Emerys begins as she leans back on the dragons nose and stretches her arms out dramatically
"Us against the world!" She announces with her wide blue eyes as the dragon lets out a grunt causing Emerys to giggle while patting him
Aegon suddenly appears on the courtyard and walks towards Emerys

The dragon bares its teen at Aegon as Emerys also throws him a look
"Are you hear to call me bastard?" Emerys asks
"No. I'm actually here to apologise." Aegon says as Emerys scoffs and begins to laugh
"And why is that?" She asks crossing her arms
"Because you are my cousin and now that you will be living with us.."

"And who said that?" Emerys asks wide eyed and cocky
"My father"
"Well I've not made a decision yet" Emerys laughs turning back to Godslayer to pat him
"He wants you to Marry my Brother" Aegon says as Emerys pauses realising that she had been so stupid exposing Gisla meant Aemond would need a wife again and who better than a Targaryen relative?

Emerys eyes widen as she sighs
"Shit" she whispers
"Is that not what you want?"
"Well considering you and your brother made my life hell for a long time not really" Emerys sighs
"This is why I'm trying to make amends" Aegon says
"Because I mounted a dragon and finally had worth in the eyes of a Targaryen" Emerys sarcastically says folding her arms again as the wind blows her copper hair

"Look Aemond will not be easy when you marry him but I know my brother and what he deserves and I know you could make him happy" Aegon says
"I just want to live in peace with no marriages or alliances or royal life" Emerys says
"The day you were discovered as the Princess the day you had to serve royal duties as that is the day you joined the family" Aegon says

Emerys rolls her eyes and walks away from Aegon. That evening she sits beside Viserys eating a small chicken.
"So how did the Moroi's find you?" Viserys asks
"It was a storm and it threw my off my dragon and into the water I washed up onto the beach where Azriel found me she discovered I had no place to belong and a dragon by my side so he adopted me and claimed me as his daughter and I started training like a warrior everyday until Daemon found me" Emerys says

As Alys listens in as well
"We have a proposal for you" Viserys begins
"Which is?" Emerys asks
"We have discussed this with Daemon but he agrees" Viserys begins
"On what?" Emerys asks
"We would like to Marry you to our son Aemond" Viserys says
"Why?" Emerys asks
"You were engaged before. You are a Targaryen. It will strengthen our blood line and make us stronger Aemond is annoyed and feels like he is being passed from woman to woman so I believe it's good to make the final and right decision to marry you to our son" Viserys proclaims

"Aemond is a fine warrior capable of protecting you. He rides the largest dragon in the world he would make a fine husband for you" Alicent says knowing Emerys would be a better match for him than that old woman

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