Chapter Three

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What hurts us?

A scrape? An ache? A punch? A word?

The answer to that... is yourself.

We live our lives like robots, built by schools to follow society; to follow your dreams. They say you can be successful if you just follow the rules. You need to be perfect to fit this mould we have created.

You hurt yourself by not standing up to what you think is right. To not be yourself.

Why should you follow a social construct created two centuries ago? Everything is evolving and yet we are still stuck with the same lies.

Who's dreams are you following? Well I can tell you that: not yours.

You must wear a uniform. To fit in. To be successful.

Now tell me. Does the fancy suit make you money? Or do you make money?

Some people are successful in life without the massive pay cheque at the end of the month. They are the most successful people on the planet.

Here is what you should do that these people do.

Be yourself. Stay honest. And make the best of any bad situation.

Accept others opinions, but don't be afraid to disagree. There is never one right answer in life.

Express yourself how you want to. Don't let others dictate to you how you should look. It is your body, not theirs.

You should never have to change for the world.

The world should change its heart.

For those struggling to keep what little freedom you have. Keep fighting. You need to keep hopeful, and to understand that there are so many of us around the globe that want the same thing and want to help.

We are all restricted in how we choose to live our lives and to change what is old and unacceptable.

So what hurts you?

You hurt you. We hurt us. We fight every single person for the spotlight of a society that is too demanding. Too unstable. Too unrealistic.

It is time for a change. It is time to break that cycle.

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