In Which Foster Is Introduced To a New World

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"Are you flipping kidding me?" Foster exclaimed as she cradled her now throbbing forefinger.

Caroline laughed beside her as she set another mouse trap on the floor, inches away from Foster.  The raven haired girl glared at the small trap and carefully stepped aside, away from any other chance of injury.  Caroline giggled at her friend as she continued to litter the floor with mouse traps.

"Are you sure this isn't illegal?"  Foster asked atop a desk, inches away from Elena.

The girl was ignored by everyone in the room, making uneasiness settle in her gut.  The group of seniors were, technically, breaking and entering plus vandalizing school property.  Foster wanted to go to college, she wanted to get out of this boring town and backpack across Europe, but she couldn't do these things if she were to be arrested.

The door to the classroom they resided in suddenly began to open.  Foster's breath caught in her throat as a figure stood in the doorway.  The person stepped forward, making all the mouse traps undo and several hit her in the leg.  Matt flicked on the light with a completely confused expression.

"Oh, come on!" Caroline whined in a completely Caroline-like manner. "Seriously, do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?" 

"Smooth move, Donovan."  Foster grumbled from her spot.

"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?"  Tyler leaned against a television, a condescending smile spread across his face.


"How could you forget, we've only been waiting for this since, like, freshman year?"  Caroline asked widely, spreading her arms out slightly.

"Yeah, Matt.  If I'm doing this, you're doing this."  Elena pointed towards him with her red flashlight.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this."  Matt admitted, glancing around the room.

"Caroline and Foster are making us..." Bonnie spoke up awkwardly.

"Excuse me, that was before I realized this could be illegal."  Foster defended herself, feeling slightly offended.

"We're about to be seniors."  Caroline said simply as if talking to a child. "These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we do-."

"And if we don't create these memories now, what's the point of it all."  Elena copied sassily, making Foster laugh slightly.

"Go ahead, make fun, I don't care."  Caroline grumbled, looking at everyone.

"You're all lame."  Tyler grabbed his bag full of supplies.  "I've got two more classes to prank."  He said making Caroline smile.

Elena pushed herself off her desk and began to leave the room.

"Hey, where are you going?"  Bonnie asked concerned.

"I'm going to glue Alaric's desk shut, I'm making memories." 

"Wait,"  Foster ordered and jumped off her desk.  "I'll come with you.  You never know what's in this creepy school."

The two friends left the room and passed Tyler and two other boys.  Elena laughed as she heard them say something about the faculty toilets.  Foster pushed open the door, holding it open for Elena as she walked through it. 

Elena nearly ran into a man who smiled down towards her.  "There's my girl." 

The man ignored Foster as he stared down at her friend.  "You're supposed to be dead, what are we going to do about that?" 

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