In Which Foster Is Bitten, Again

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This chapter deals with depression and suicide/death. Please do not read if this may trigger you in anyway, you can message me if you need to know what happens during this chapter.

Tyler Lockwood was not a very observant person.  When Elena got her ears pierced he didn't notice until two months after.  He did not notice when Chelly Cavanaugh was obsessed with him in the third grade and he didn't notice that he annoyed the hell out of most people when he was human.

Tyler Lockwood could be called oblivious to the world, except for Foster.  When her mom first died, he noticed that she didn't cry for five months and he made sure his shoulder was ready when needed.  He noticed that she was more skittish around her dad, the man that used to lift her on his shoulders and tickle her until she was out of breath.  After her father's accident, he noticed how she brushed her feelings aside and focused on others first, and he made it his job to look out for her.

The point is, Tyler knew something was off with his cousin.

Foster usually was oblivious to people, her head stuck in a book or talking with her friends.  Now, she scanned the room nearly every two minutes; he counted.  She jumped when some talked or laughed to loud and she couldn't look Caroline in the eye without flinching away.  She barely touched her coffee in front of her and did not contribute to the conversation.

"I think I'm going to go home, guys."  Foster announced, sliding out of the booth. 

"Aw, you just got here."  Caroline pouted.  "Can't you just stay for one more hour? Please?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling the greatest."  She shook her head.  "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Did you walk here? Hold on, I'll give you a ride."  Tyler slid out also, not waiting for an answer.

Foster smiled the smile she used on people whenever they asked how she was.  It was like her normal smile, but if you looked closer you could see how broken she really was.  "It's fine, Ty.  I could use the exercise."

"Whatever."  He twirled his keys on his finger.  "Let's go."

Foster let out an indignant huff before following after her worried cousin.


"Mom, can I go to Care's?"  Foster asked softly.

Susan Foster sat on the chair in the living room, a warm blanket wrapped around her and a cup of tea seated beside her.  She stared emotionlessly out the window, watching the willow tree in her front yard sway back and forth in the wind.

"Mom?"  Foster stepped forward, setting the hockey stick beside the door.  The little girl crouched in front of her mother, grabbing one of her hands and gripping it lightly in her own.  "Mom, are you listening?  I'm going to Caroline's house, Toby will be home soon from football practice."

After a moment of silence, Foster stood and planted a kiss on her mom's forehead.  She paused a second before leaving, locking the door behind her.


"Tyler, I'm not a child.  I don't need a babysitter."  Foster announced from her spot on the counter.

"Sure you do."  Tyler glanced over his shoulder, pausing his search in the fridge.  "Are you out of cheese?"

"Bottom shelf."

Tyler dumped the food on the island, making Foster let out a snort of displeasure.  "Foster, you're still only seventeen, you shouldn't stay here by yourself.  I'll try to get Toby to come back or we can move you in with mom and me."  He spoke as he made himself a sandwich.

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