In Which Foster Attends A Ball

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"Hey, Foster. It's Tyler.  I know I should have called sooner.  I kind of just freaked out and left after I bit you. I heard about Toby, Foster I'm so sorry.  I'm really sorry.  I can't come back until I fix myself, I can't hurt anyone else.  Tell Care I love her.  Stay safe, Foster."

Foster threw her phone on her bed, anger taking over.  "Tell Care I love her, because I'm a filthy sack of potatoes."  She mimicked angrily, deepening her voice.

Her doorbell rang, pulling the girl away from angrily ripping every picture she had with her cousin.  Foster's feet pounded down the stairs, nearly slipping over a shirt Rebekah left from their sleepover.

"Oh my gosh, she's a slob."  Foster groaned, grabbing the shirt.

Opening the door, Foster was met with empty air.  She nearly missed the white box at her feet, only noticing it when she tripped over it.  Foster groaned, rubbing her now throbbing elbow as she glared at the box.  "What the hell?"

Bringing the box into her home, she set on the kitchen table.  Opening it, Foster found a cute little envelope.

"Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration."  Foster read out loud, scoffing.  She flipped it over, finding a beautiful and neat little note.  "Save me a dance, doll.  Fondly, Nik."

"I hope he knows I can't dance."  Foster scoffed.  She dug deeper into the box and pulled out a beautiful blue dress.


Foster was nervous.  Caroline was already at the ball, along with Elena and Bonnie.  Foster, however, was seated in her car with her stomach in a knot from nerves.

"You've got this."  She said to herself.  "Just stay with Care, or Rebekah, you don't have to talk to Nik; even if you want to." 

Letting out a deep breath, Foster opened her door.  Her heels clacked against the stone as she walked to the door.  She fiddled with her bracelet, walking through the doorway and into the bustling party.

"It's about bloody time."  Bekah appeared instantly by her side. "It's been so dull without you."

"You couldn't entertain yourself?"  Foster asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No, your friends annoy me to no end."  Rebekah snapped, looping her arm with Foster's.  "Come meet my brothers."

The Original dragged her friend through the mass of people.  Foster apologized to the people Rebekah pushed out of the way until they stopped in front of a dark haired man with dark eyes.

"Elijah, meet Foster."  Rebekah smiled, pushing Foster forwardly slightly.

"Hello."  She said awkwardly, smiling.

"It's very nice to meet you, Rebekah and Niklaus would not stop talking about you."  Elijah smiled back, shaking the girl's hand.

Foster blushed, ducking her head slightly as he laughed.  "It's nice to meet you too."

Before they could attempt to carry on a conversation, Rebekah whisked Foster away and to two men dressed in handsome suits.  They each also had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Who do you have here, sister?"  One grinned.

"Foster, this is my idiot brother Kol,"  Rebekah motioned to the one that spoke.  "And this is Finn."  She motioned to the silent one.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, darling."  Kol captured Foster's hand, placing a kiss on it. 

"You also."  Foster said uncomfortably, pulling her hand away from his grasp.

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