Chapter Four

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"Its insecurity that is always chasing you and standing in the way of your dreams." ~ Vin Diesel

The days after my meeting with Mr

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The days after my meeting with Mr. Lussac flew by, each day filled with more doubts and questions and expectations. I tried to learn and work at the same time, but I wasn't a robot. 

I made a hundred-if not thousand-mistakes. I could say Mrs. Winston was getting a little irritated but I didn't blame her. I didn't know the "b" of business. 

Yet the strange thing was whenever I made a blunder, Mr. Lussac would only tell me to try harder and that I'd get it someday. Never had I seen a scowl or a frown on his face as I tripped over my work and words.

It was very odd but I appreciated the kindness I got from him and I tried to work my brain off. I worked from morning to night and barely saw Aloura.

I missed spending time with her. I knew she missed me too because she'd fall asleep on the couch waiting for me. Clara, the teenager I hired to look after her, told me Aloura was adamant on waiting for me and refused to go to bed.

I hated myself with a passion when I heard that. Aloura didn’t deserve to live and grow up like this, a barely put together mother who never had a stable job and was always on the verge of losing money. It wasn’t fair to her.

And I had promised to her. I promised myself the moment I heard cry for the first time, that I’d protect her with every pore of my being. I didn’t have to see her to know that what binded her with me was stronger than the scissor that cut the umbilical cord.

Because she was my daughter and I was her mother. It was fairly that simple.

“Ms. Caldemon?” A voice broke me out of my thoughts and I swiveled in my chair to see a concerned woman. I briefly recognized her from a few meetings.“Yes?”

“Mr. Lussac wanted to see you,” She said, not so discreetly looking at the document on my desktop which was filled with a random array of every key on my keyboard. I hurried to shut the tab and smiled shakily as I got up.

“Okay, thank you.” I said but the lady was still looking at me. I eyed her nervously for a few more seconds before getting up and feeling my phone in my pocket and walking out when her words stopped me.

“You know if you don't know how to type, you shouldn't be here. I don't know how someone so unprivileged as you- got here. You seem decent enough, but I guess you're a beauty no brains situation. I don't know why you still look like you’ve got the entire world on your shoulders. Come on, look at your face, you haven't even tried to look pretty.”

I stopped and it felt like ice was running through my body, my legs and arms suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. It felt like old times again, the hurling insults, the expectations and the society's view swooping down on me, choking me.

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