17. I'm afraid to own a body

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Episode five; I'm afraid to own a body

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Episode five; I'm afraid to own a body

Mr Dickinson held cards in his hand, Emily studied his face with kept switching everything, she hovered her hand above the two cards in his hand, the other cards in the deck, laid in piles facing up on the table. Emily took a few moments to decide which one to pick, before pulling the card she wanted out of her fathers hands. She looked at it a grinned knowing she had won, "ha, you're the old maid" Emily laughed and dropped the card onto the table. Leaning forward on her chair, leaning her arms on the wooden table in front of her. Her father leaned backward on his chair. "Poor Dad, just an old spinster"

"Poor lonely me, lonely me" Mr Dickinson said in a high pitched voice, as Emily cleaned up the cards. "it's your own fault you know there were plenty of men who wanted to marry you, but you said no to all of them" Emily spoke shaking her head. "Remind you of anyone" The Y/h/c haired girl spoke as she leaned against the table.

Emily sighed as her eyes shiffed to Y/n's ones for a moment. Then she continued to pick up the cards as her father talked, she had gotten use to seeing Y/n pop up in her mind, and henceforth in the Dickinson household.

Mr Dickinson, rubbed his hands together, "I did." Emily hummed in response, "you know, I think I'd rather be a spinster then a wife" he spoke.

"Really.....Why's that?" Emily asked curiously, "I think a spinster has more independence." A loud clattering can from the living room, as Mrs dickinson knocked over a candle stick with hanging glass crystals on the piano. Mrs Dickinson looked at the two like they had grown two head. "Edward, don't encourage her." She stated before walking off.

The door opened a few moments later, Austin and George walked in talking as they put their hats and coats on the racks. Austin places his books on the living room table, and sitting on the couch. Emily walked in asking what they were talking about and George immediately stated at her in awe.

"Another fugitive, some southern fat cat, who probably owns 200 slaves, loses one and claims he's somewhere in Amherst, and if any of us happens to see the poor fellow and don't hunt his down and turn him over, then we get slapped with a fine, or sent to prison" Austin scoffed as he finished explaining. "They call that a compermise?" Austin scoffed again as he picks up one of his books. "I won't do it"

"Good for you, it's horrible."

"We should be helping slaves escape. Not catching them and sending them back" Mr Dickinson walked up to them, holding the pack of cards "that's absolutely right" Emily's gaze moved to her father's "don't you agree, dad?"

"Unfortunately, our southern brethren have organised their society around it. So we need to have a certain amount of respect for their rule, hm?"

"That's the point I was making" George stated, looking from Emily, to Austin, to Mr Dickinson. "Gross. You were?" Emily said looking disturbed. "I always thought you were more if a radical, George." Austin stated "look, I have relatives in the south. And they're not bad people. They're just..." "Stupid?" Austin spoke. "Backwards?" Emily offered "old-fashioned" George replied "and what am I supposed to do? Just not talk to them anymore?"

"No you should talk to them. Talk to them about how their way of life is an abomination"

"Oh okay. Well, that'll make for a nice Thanksgiving dinner" George said sarcastically. "All right, Goodluck figuring all this out today." Mr Dickinson said shuffling the cards in his hand as he began to walk towards his office. "Um hey..." George walk towards him to catch up with him "Mr. Dickinson, um..there's something I wanted to talk to you about" he glanced at Emily then at her father.


"Fundraising stuff?"

"Well what kind of fundraising stuff?"

"For the new chapel, I can get into all the details...in private" he nodded towards "hmm. All right. My office." Mr Dickinson agreed and ms Dickinson walked into the office. Emily looked worried about what could happened. "George, don't forget, we have Shakespeare club this afternoon." Emily spoke before George enter Mr Dickinson's office.

"Oh, I know. Brought my copy of the collected plays, ready to go." He responded holding up a green book with faded gold designs on the front with SHAKESPEARE written in all capital letters. "And we can't spent the whole time fighting over which play to read like we usually do." She spoke looking at Austin who flipped through the pages in his book "I'm not the one who starts those fights" he stated "because you always wanna do hamlet."

"Who doesn't want to read hamlet?"


George slipped into the office shutting the door behind him as the two siblings argued. Emily looked back at the door. "I don't think its fundraising stuff" Y/n voiced Emily's own thoughts. Mrs Dickinson walked in the living room holding a tea towel. "Did Maggie get back from the post office yet?" Austin asked his sister. "Maybe." She said as she tried to remember if she came back home yet. "Was there any mail?" He asked.

He quickly put his book down as Emily turned "Maggie?" Both of them shouted at the same time as they ran towards the kitchen. Maggie came through the back just as they arrived " ah Maggie, you're back" Austin said as she placed her basket. "Did you miss me, dearies?"

"Terribly. Was there any mail?"

"Yes, was there any mail for me?"

They two were anxiously waiting for letters from the Gilbert sisters. Austin picked up the pile and began looking through the names "none for either of ya, I'm afraid" Emily leaned over to look at them too "Miss Sue and miss Y/n aren't corresponding much" Maggie said as she took her her bonnet and went to hang it up. "Y/n still hasn't written to me once." Emily sighed "Sue's written to me, though, twice" Austin said as he placed the letters down "she wrote to me once say for me to stop writing to Y/n, that was the only letter I got from a Gilbert" Emily complained. "And twice isn't that impressive." She spat "hm. Look at the green eyed monster over here." Austin pointed at his sister as he spoke to Maggie. "Jealous" he said looking towards his sister

"Green-eyes monster...hey I know what play we should read today. Othello." Emily said looking happier then she was before. "Why don't you ever wanna read hamlet?"

"Oh come on, Othello is so much juicier" Emily stated. "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on."

"Meat!" Maggie said suddenly "consarn it. I was supposed to pick up a ham." She said.


Heyy everyone sorry for not updating in a while but I just had no motivation with writing but I have still been on here. Thank you for all being patient I am back and I am writing again. Yayy

Question of the day?

What was your favourite movie or show as a kid?

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