Chapter 1

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I woke up to a strange scraping sound at the bedroom window.

I quietly listened for any sounds of an intruder. "What is wrong with my mind..." I thought. I always came up with the worst case scenario. Once I was fully awake I realized something.

"Where am I?" I thought. I slowly sat up in the comfortable bed and pushed of the black and yellow comforter. I looked around to see a small dresser with some clothing strewn out of it, a little lamp with no bulb.

"Where am I?" I thought again. Once my vision had focused i saw a nightlight, a book case and a small side table with a laptop. I grabbed the laptop and looked at the screen. How to get someones memory back, it read.

"Someone very special to me lost her memory and doesn't recognize me when she sees me, and i don't understand how she loses her memory, but she doesn't remember me, her friends or her home.

The only thing she remembers is her music. Can anyone help me get her memory back?"

I wonder who she is ... I thought. I heard a sound of a door opening and I looked up to see a young boy around 14 in yellow and black PJ's , blond hair, blue eyes and a stress filled face walk in. "Rin... Rin! Your awake!"

Forgetful Love RIN X LEN KAGAMINEWhere stories live. Discover now