Number five h-

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"Goodnight Dreamie." XD vanishes from sight.

The sleeping bag rustled under Dream as he stirs in his sleep. "Mmh..." He tosses and turns rustling the fabric beneath him. The cell is silent other than the murmurs of Dream's sleep struggles. A blaring grasp erupts from Dream as he bolts awake and frantically checks his chest and the cell around him for any signs of yesterday's events. Nothing, not even a drop of blood to be found. Dream sighs and falls back to the sleeping bag with his hand on his forehead.

"Morning inmate! Eat something or I'll need to force feed you." Sam yells from behind the inferno wall. Dream's eyes widen and he bolts up and runs straight to the lava wall, "Sam! Sam what day is it?" Dream asks in hopes of the guard answering. "It's the xxth of xx. Why?" Sam answers curiously. "No! Not what I'm asking! What day is it since I got here, idiot!" Dream rephrased his question, facepalming. "It's day five. You should be tracking this yourself." Sam answers and his faint footsteps can be heard. "Wait! Wait, Sam! Please, I need to know! Did someone visit me yesterday, everything is a blur!" Sam stops dead in his tracks.

"Dream... How could you possibly think someone would visit you? I mean honestly." Sam states harshly and walks off. "Oh..." Dream says. Dream walks to today's potato lying on the floor and picks it up. His brain swirls with confusion as he takes a bite. "Ack! Yuck, raw today too!" Dream's thoughts are interrupted by the toughness of the uncooked potato. Dream looks at the clock, "Day five, ten minutes since I woke up." Dream says and takes the potato to the wall of lava. He places it and moves away from the scorching heat, one minute one side and 30 seconds on the side he bit.

Dream walks over and picks the potato up, "You guys need to learn how to cook a fucking potato!" He eats the potato, walks to the sleeping bag and just looks at it. "I don't feel safe sitting down on that thing... What if it comes back?" Dream thinks and looks to the chest, "This'll have to do." Dream decides to sit on the chest and he stares at the clock. "Minute 14 since I woke up, ten more minutes and I'll know if it is coming back." Dream says and looks at the lava.

He looks around the cell and nothing has changed from before the thing that happened, but didn't happen yesterday. He notices another tiles of crying obsidian within reach. Dream gets up and walks to the clock, dropping to the floor and stares at the pink molten sludge dripping from the wall. He reaches his hand to touch it for a second time and begins to smear the sludge on an adjacent obsidian wall tile. Simple shapes can be made out from the smudges of Dream's finger painting. He looks up to the clock, "Minute 23 since I woke up. One more." Dream's eyebrows furrow with worry and he looks back to watch his paintings evaporate.

The clock remains ticking, and the lava continues to flow. Dream sighs in relief as he looks to the clock to see it's the 25th minute. He gets up and sits on the chest once more. He looks to the infernal wall and leans on the wall beside him as his mind gets lost in its infinite swirls. He dissociates and his brain is lost in the luminescent abyss.

Dream's thoughtless stare is abruptly paused once he sees the lava's flow stop. His eyes widen and he swiftly looks to the clock to see it locked on the 39th minute. "No..." Dream says and throws his hands in front of his face in defense and XD appears as he expected.

"Hello Dreamie." XD beams, turning to Dream, twisting its detached head and grabs Dream's arms. "Answer me, I said hello." XD demands and laughs. "H-hi?" Dream stammers weakly resisting XD's grasp. XD releases Dream's arms and steps back taking a moment to look at Dream's fearful state. "Hm, you're shaken up from our last meeting. Aren't you?" XD scans Dream's movements and sees him tense up and look away, it laughs. "You really are. Relax, it's going to be different today, yesterday was a test." XD reassures and pushes Dream's arms to his side.

"You can't expect me to believe that!" Dream struggles against XD's grip. XD lets Dream's arms go and Dream's arms remain restrained. "You're right. How could I ever be trusted?" XD places its hands on either side of its face and pretends to gasp as if it's offended. It drops its hands and erupts with psychotic laughter. Dream is shivering with fear of XD's every move. XD turns to face Dream with a jagged smile plastered across its abdomen.

His eyes widen and he backs up as close to the wall as he can be, "I've seen you staring at the lava almost every day since you got here..." XD tilts its head and stares at Dream maniacally. Dream refuses to make eye contact with the god; XD walks over to Dream and grabs his face in its claw. "Look at me when I talk to you." XD picks Dream up with its claws piercing his skin and throws him to the middle of the cell.

Dream falls to the floor with a hard thud, "Gah-!" he exclaims as a weight is placed on his wrists and ankles. XD turns away from Dream towards the unnaturally paused lava. XD's wings retract and it laughs, "Do you want to touch it?" Its body convulses with laughter as it shoves its monstrous claw into the molten rock; looking over its shoulder at Dream. Dream shivers at the empty demonic stare from the god and struggles against the invisible restraints.

XD turns to Dream with some of the molten rock pouring out of its hand, his eyes widen and breathing quickens. XD slowly paces towards its captive; his face void of colour and muscles tense from struggling against the restraints. XD lets the hellish liquid drip from its claw onto Dream's left shin.

Dream lets out a blood curdling cry as the lava comes in contact with his skin; his chest lurches off the floor and his limbs battle against the restraints. The skin instantly contracts and rips leaving way for the lava to burn through his muscles; the moisture that resided in his leg sizzled from under the liquid inferno. XD watched intently as Dream's every leg muscle rips from contraction under the heat of the lava.

The god moves its hand and drips a larger drop onto Dream's other leg; it comes in contact with his upper shin and knee causing Dream to let out a horrific scream; his voice becoming more raspy. The fabric quickly burns up and the hellish liquid rips through his skin and muscles; his lower right leg detaches and Dream jerks his thigh away from the molten rock calcifying on his calf.

Once Dream's thigh is removed from the intense heat it begins to drip with blood. XD brings its other hand to Dream's bleeding thigh, "You should be glad that this is the..." XD shatters Dream's femur earning a raspy cry from him and his thigh drenching his claw in blood; "the strongest bone in the body." XD finishes its sentence and chuckles. "Please, please no more! Anything, I'll do anything!" Dream cries out begging for the pain to stop.

XD stops laughing and throws half of its hand's molten contents on Dream's upper left thigh and hip. Dream erupts with another cry, "Please! Stop, please, I can't take anymore!" The lava shears through his skin, muscles and his bones remain detaching his leg from his hip.

XD kicks Dream's detached limbs away from his body, "You don't understand that your pleas do nothing. This is my job, and I cannot enjoy it with your pathetic begging." XD splatters most of the molten rock in its hand on each of Dream's upper arms. Dream throws his head either side desperate to keep his face away from the hellish heat.

Dream's arms weakly struggle, with the muscles left in his shoulders, against the restraints; the sizzle of his burning flesh and his screams of pain echo in the deathly silent cell. XD drops a minuscule droplet of lava onto Dream's cheek and watches as the fibers of his face contract and rip, forming a perfectly circular window through the side of his face giving a view of his teeth.

The newly burned hole begins to flood his mouth with blood and Dream coughs out every pool using every ounce of his strength to not drown in his own blood. XD erupts with psychotic laughter as he watches Dream slowly lose his ability to cough.

XD steps on Dream's exposed bones in his upper arm, putting pressure until it snaps and following suit with the other as Dream slowly loses consciousness.

It throws what was left of the lava in its hand and grips Dream's head with its bloodied claw; piercing its fingertips into his skin. "Awe, I was expecting more out of you, oh well." XD says to Dream and drops his head to the floor. "Wait for me, I'll see you tomorrow, number five h-." XD stops itself from saying anymore.

"Bye, Dreamie." XD says as Dream loses consciousness and the room's silence is filled with popping and ticking.

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