Chapter 1: I hate arrogant people

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I have not posted in awhile.... so sorry about that I have been very busy, then I just kinda forgot. So anyway I have reached a decision to do next to no editing on my chapters. This is mostly because I do not have the time to edit each and every one I post. I will try my best to find and correct all spelling errors, and i may even edit more depending on my schedule. 

The story was like in third person before which I have decided to name a prequel. The story will be in first person.

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I decided to go back for a sword, left behind by the now hog-tied knights, the same two who tried to attack me. I was not the best at sword-play but I needed a weapon. I have had sword training, but I was never great at it ( it's not exactly my weapon of choice), but I know enough basics to get by. This, along with my natural agility will hopefully be enough for a quick getaway. Unfortunately I have no idea how many guards there might be coming, I would be dead meat if any trained swordsmen came with them.  

I found one chair, hidden by some big, stupid, potted plant. Yes, the pot was that big, the pot itself contained a very small batch of Venus flytraps. O. K. Whoever put them there was eccentric. Sitting down I began to think about more important matters,when I escape, IF I escape. I must first figure out what happened and then get a proper bow staff. meaning a big, heavy walking stick. 

The sound of rattling stopped me right in my tracks. 

"Get ready." I said silently. The door opened up revealing guards. Immediately  I began to hammer them with an endless battering with 'my' sword. Surprise was my best offensive weapon at the moment. Dashing through the knights (about three my my count, yep three.), I ran off. I made about two steps until I came face to face with a loaded crossbow. Looking up into the face of a man, ruggedly handsome, but as soon as he opened his mouth I found him to be inexcusably arrogant. 

"Look what we have here, another tried to escape." Laughing very loudly he exclaimed " I can't believe this little runt caught you all by surprise, once we finish transporting the prisoners I will have to have a chat about you to my father." Grabbing my arm, "Put him with the rest." He mistook me for a boy. I tried to appear calm, but I was furious, how dare he call me a runt, why that insolent, self-loving, moron. If I ever get my hands on him.....

" shut yer trap!" After A quick glance I realized that we had been moving this whole time and I was inside a cage, I also had begun to speak out loud . Speaking out loud was something I started doing during my imprisonment. I have to stop doing that. This day just keeps getting better and better.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

I payed no attention to the other scrawny prisoners beside me. One quick glance told me that they were underfed. Mostly men by the looks of it, after another glance I decided one was an elf. Since I had nothing better to do, I began to study him closer, did I know him?

“the name's Byron.” Whoops, should have been more discreet with that. Guess I was more out of practice than I had originally thought.

“What is an elf doing in a place like this?”Yep, I am blunt like that.

“I could say the same thing.”

“Oh, you know the usual. Getting on peoples nerves, and the likes. Is it that obvious that I am an elf?” He chuckled, that kind of made me chuckle too. His laugh was contagious.

“Not really. I just have a knack for spotting them, although I am surprised the prince didn't notice” I held my breath at that.

“Prince? We don't have a prince, is he from the attacking kingdom?

“Yes, the very same prince whose father attacked our kingdom, and the same on who is emptying all the prisons.” Byron pointed ahead.

“No wonder he is so arrogant....

“Shh!!!” He stopped me mid sentence, but then I realized the same thing he did. Outside our tiny window was a large camp, consisting of thousands of small white tents. We are here......

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

I will try to post often.


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