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“Where is a knight in shining armor when you need one?” Spoken aloud, her words echoed in the nearly empty room.

“Reduced to this….” Gesturing at her cell, where she was kept prisoner. It was high above in a small castle specifically designed to keep war prisoners and the more dangerous prisoners locked up. No way out, she thought sadly. Trained from birth to be dangerous, along with her innate talent for fighting caused her to be a worthy foe to anyone who crossed her. Known to her customers only as Echo, she is, or rather was a hired hand. She was well known in the inner workings of every secret circle, thanks to her mother whom she had inherited her reputation from. Her mother had gone by the pseudonym ‘Echo’ and had passed along the name after she had died. Trained from birth in the skills of attack and defense, karate detailed a major part of her training. Her chosen weapon was a staff, unlike her mother who had specialized in the bow and arrow.

How do I get out?  This question haunted her every day of the two-hundred, forty six day imprisonment.  Each of those days she spent checking every nook and cranny of her small dungeon. Just one small flaw in the construction of this cell and she could leave, yet with every search, she grew more desperate.              

“Dumb luck that my cell was built with inhuman precision, each block of stone fitted perfectly into place,” she whispered, with exasperation. Her last hope was dashed with the rechecking of her cell for the last time.

“Aagghhh!” She let out an outburst of anger, pouring out her livid frustration, which had been pent up inside her. “I give up.” Knowing that there was not even a slim chance for escape; she sighed and went to go sit at her small window. The window was only big enough to have a small glance at the lake near the castle. The view was comforting in these dark days. Come morning Echo would be able to watch the sun glitter across the surface and watch the ducks as they swam. Past the small forest that enclosed the lake, was the smallkingdomofCarron. Too trusting of their neighbors, the walls around Carron were weak in comparison to the other countries’ fortresses.

Staring off into the distance the sky soon became black. Her only release from her paltry existence was staring out into the abyss that was night. Stars jutted the night sky like a tapestry. She could just barely make out the Cygnus constellation through her window.

All of a sudden the quiet was interrupted by many trumpets signaling the attack of a foe. Blazing fire ripped through the darkness, hitting many establishments. She could feel the terror emitting from the kingdom below. She felt so far off, yet she could still hear the screams of horror and the clashing of swords. The kingdom fought to protect itself from this unknown enemy, yet to her it appeared that they were easily overwhelmed in this surprise attack. She constantly thumbed her necklace, the only item they allowed her to keep. It was a gold chain, with a ruby inside a cage for a pendant.

She kept herself alert all night, searching for a sign that her beloved city survived. This vigil turned into days as she watched her kingdom slowly crumble. It was nearly a week before the victorious army began to scour the dungeons below her. Being on the highest level of the prison it took another day and a half before the men reached her cell. The sound of clanking metal and laughter was heard coming down the hall nearing her chamber. As one of the men unlocked her cell door, Echo prepared herself for a quick escape. The door opened, revealing two knights.

Grabbing the first by his hand she ran him into the wall, quickly dispatching him. In the blink of an eye she turned and roundhouse kicked the second guard in the face. Giving a pout face she exclaimed: “That was too easy. My first visitor in awhile and they didn’t even put up a good fight.” Taking flight down the halls, and nearly slipping as she ascended the stairwell; it felt so good to be free. Echo finally reached the main hall, and cautiously searched around for guards, which to her surprise she found none. Shrugging it off she ran to the main door, only to find it locked. Muttering to herself about her dumb luck, she searched for an alternate exit, only to come up empty.

The windows were barred, the door reinforced with steel. The only thing for her to do now was watch and wait for her captors.

                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ 

Re edited. 


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