Chapter 1

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Peter Parker felt amazing. Why wouldn't he? He was, rather impatiently, waiting for the bell to ring so Happy could pick him up and take him to Avengers Tower. He and Mr Stark had already cleared it with May so Peter could spend the entire summer there. He had been absolutely loving it so far.

Every day he got to wake up to his huge room with all the cool new tech Mr Stark had given him to make it feel more 'homely'. Peter smiled, silently agreeing with himself that Tony had absolutely no idea how to make a place feel more homely, and probably just assumed peter would like the tech because he was a nerd. Pretty spot on, to be honest. Although, having a bedroom bigger than your apartment is something that takes a little getting used to. 

The screech of the bell brought him out of his thoughts. He shot out of the classroom, something not unusual for him, as he liked to leave quickly and avoid Flash when he could. Happy was waiting for him outside looking like his usual ray of sunshine and nodded at him. He opened the door and gave peter a look that said 'hurry up before I leave without you' as he got into the car.

"Hey Happy!" Peter greeted cheerfully as he climbed into the backseat of the car. Happy didn't respond but gave a sort of grunt of recognition. The car started and Peter put his earphones in, deciding to leave the grumpy driver alone. He relaxed back into his seat and stared aimlessly out the window thinking up some new web formulas.


Once the tower came into view Peter's energy returned to him. He grabbed his backpack when the car came to a stop and as soon as the car had stopped moving he was out the door and into the tower.

"Good afternoon Peter" FRIDAY said to him as he entered the elevator. 

"Hello FRIDAY. Can you take me to the lab please?" Peter replied while gazing up to the ceiling. He was aware that FRIDAY wasn't an actual person so he could in theory look anywhere, but it felt wrong speaking to air without a thought when FRIDAY was always so polite to him. So what, he was raised right, get over it.

"Of course Peter. Boss is waiting for you."

As the elevator came to a halt and the metal doors opened Peter was greeted by very loud music. Not just 'hey man turn it down' loud, but loud enough to make Peter give a small shout and clamp his hands over his ears in an effort to block it out.

"Shit, FRIDAY volume 10%," Mr Stark immediately said as he saw Peter's reaction, "Sorry kid, I forgot about the whole noise thing." Mr Stark waved him over. Peter, now able to process thoughts due to the lack of hammers in his eardrums, walked over to him and gave him an embarrassed smile. 

"Its alright Mr Stark," Peter said, "You can keep the music on if you want? I mean- I- If you like it I'm sure I could probably just put my headp-"

"Let me stop you right there Pete. I don't care about the music and I'm certainly not going to be the cause of you going deaf before your twenties. Aunt Hottie would have my head." Peter let out an indignified sound and the mention of his aunt in such a manner. Mr Stark just snickered at his reaction and turned back to what he was working on.

Peter shook his head and sat down at his work bench. He pulled out some old blueprints of his webshooters and got to fiddling with his firing mechanism. It had been getting jammed lately as the heat was increasing. It wasn't a huge problem but plummeting through the air trying to unjam his shooters was sometimes an issue. Lets just say there had been some close calls.

Peter and Mr Stark had been tinkering in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company but working on their own things. A couple hours had gone by and Mr Stark got up to get, what Peter presumed to be, his fourteenth coffee of the day. He took no notice and plunged himself back into his work. He had nearly figured out a quick fix for any emergency webshoooter-jammed-falling-through-the-sky issues he may face in the future. Because he was so immersed in his work, he didn't realize that Mr Stark was yet to come back.

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