Chapter 8

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This day could not get any worse.

Peter had woken up that morning feeling probably too excited for the date with Harley today. He had leaped out of bed and picked out the perfect outfit and gone to draw the last of his cash out of the ATM round the corner of the tower, saying a small goodbye to FRIDAY in the elevator as he stepped onto the ground floor. He was out of the doors with a smile on his face.

This is where things started to go downhill. The machine not only refused to give him his money, but it also ate his card in the process. After half an hour of pressing buttons in the hopes that something would happen, he decided to return back to the tower before he pulled the damn thing off the wall. 

To make things even better, while he was walking back, a man at a hotdog stand decided it was a brilliant idea to leave his sauces on the hot surfaces, and they promptly exploded all over Peter and about five other people. His Spidey-sense had warned him, but he couldn't exactly run out of the way because that would have looked suspicious.

So there he was, walking back through the front doors of Avengers Tower, broke and covered in ketchup. 

This definitely put a damper on his mood. He was considering asking Mr Stark to borrow some money since he would have to freeze his bank account now he had lost his card when FRIDAY's voice came from the ceiling.

"Peter, Boss is requesting your presence in the lab."

Peter sighed and smiled a tired smile.

"Tell him I'll be down after I've had a shower please FRIDAY." Peter said. He took a deep breath and headed into his bathroom. He was still slightly shocked ever time he went into that particular room- probably because it was the size of his bedroom at May's. 

When he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror he couldn't help but let out a small laugh. His hair was a mess of brown, red and yellow and his shirt was in no better state. He took his phone out and snapped a quick picture. Ned and MJ would find this a lot funnier than Peter.

Once he had showered for the second time that day, he got in the elevator and went to the lab. As the metallic doors opened Peter instinctively stepped out but immediately froze when he saw the scene playing out in front of him.

Mr Stark was stood- looking rather angry- face to face with Captain America.

Captain America!

'Ohmygod-what the hell is going on?' Peter thought to himself, still not moving.

What was it with Mr Stark surprising him with random Avengers recently?

Steve Rogers was every bit a super soldier as everyone said he was. He was built like a brick, taller than Mr Stark by a fair amount. Peter didn't like how he was standing over his mentor right now. It seemed like the Captain was trying to intimidate Mr Stark or something along those lines.

They had stopped talking, probably aware that they were no longer alone. Mr Stark's gaze flickered over to where Peter was standing and his expression softened, just a little. He cleared his throat and stepped back from the super soldier.

"Hey kid, come over here would you?" Mr Stark's voice cut through the tense atmosphere. 

Peter nodded and quietly walked over, still weary of the situation. He glanced at Mr Stark, his expression clearly worried. Mr Stark just shook his head slightly and smiled a tense smile. Peter's eyes drifted to Steve.

He was already watching him. Peter held back his utter awe at the superhero-but maybe some slipped through, judging by Mr Stark's small snort. Steve Rogers smiled at him, his classic patriotic superhero smile and Peter thinks he might explode at how awesome this was.

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