Chapter 4

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Peter woke up in a dark room. He could hear very little too, which caused a bolt of panic to shoot through him. He opened his eyes and as soon as he registered where he was, he immediately relaxed. 

He was in the med bay. He hadn't been kidnapped, he was still at Avengers Tower, he was safe.

How had he even got there? Last thing he remembered he was in the kitchen when-oh. Oh

He had collapsed? Wow, Peter thought to himself. He really needed to start setting alarms on his phone reminding him to eat.

Peter sat himself up and noticed that he was wearing a hoodie- not one of his. This one was bigger and softer than any of the ones he owned. It was really comfortable. So he decided he couldn't be mad at whoever put it on him while he was sleeping.

As Peter looked around the room he remembered that someone had been there in the kitchen when he fell. He couldn't remember who it was. They must have been strong enough to carry him all the way to the med bay so that rules out Mr Stark. Don't tell him, but Peter has seen the way his back aches when he is in a funny position working on one of his suits for too long. He always has to stretch out in funny positions afterwards. 

Peter stood up and rubbed his eyes. He noted that he was feeling a hell of a lot better. A little dizzy, but on the whole he felt like he could actually function like a normal human being. The headache was barely there and his limbs weren't hurting. Maybe he just really needed a nap. He made sure to keep that in mind for next time.

Peter made his way up to the lab, still in the ridiculously comfortable hoodie and his joggers. He ran a hand through his hair and saw in his reflection in the elevator that he looked- well, for a lack of a better word- very fluffy.

Peter stepped out of the elevator and immediately saw Mr Stark and Harley. Both of them locked eyes with Peter and before Peter knew what was happening, Tony was gently dragging him into a chair.

"FRIDAY, why didn't you tell me he was awake? Pete, we need to get you back to the medbay. How are you feeling?" Tony asked him, his voice calm but there were hints of concern and a little bit of panic mixed in with the tone. 

"What? No- Mr Stark, I'm fine, really. I'm sorry for causing a fuss-"

"People who collapse aren't fine, Peter." Harley chimed in, effectively cutting him off. Harley seemed concerned? Was Peter seeing that right? He was looking at him as if he might shatter into pieces at any moment.

"I didn't- well okay, yeah, I fainted. But, I'm okay now. I just lost track of time and forgot to eat yesterday, and I had this headache-"

Mr Stark cut him off with a groan. Harley just looked between the two of them.

"Come on, Peter, we have talked about this. You can't forget to eat! You know this. It has really bad effects on your body." Mr Stark looked at Peter with a stern look that broke almost instantly once he noticed how guilty Peter was feeling. It was probably written all over his face. 

Mr Stark sighed and put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "What am I gonna do with you, kid? I'm gonna be grey by the time I'm forty." 

Peter let out a small laugh and Harley smiled too.

"You trying to say you aren't already going gray, old man?" Harley taunted. Mr Stark gave a scowl towards the blonde boy and pointed at him.

"You are lucky you're in my good books for helping Pete, otherwise I would kick you out." Peter's head shot up at this.

"What do you mean?" Peter looked at Tony expectantly.

"Oh you don't remember? Jheez kid you really need to take better care of yourself. Harley found you when you collapsed. Carried you to the meddbay and everything." Mr Stark finished his sentence and patted Peter on the shoulder. 

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