You Meet Them

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You wrinkle your nose at the stench drifting through your window. Of all days for this to happen, why today? You can't close the window, or you'll swelter because it's the middle of summer and your air conditioning's broken. But if you leave it open, you'll have to deal with that awful smell...

You look out the window and see two people, one in red and one in blue, in the backyard next to yours. It's also where that stench is coming from. You don't know your next-door neighbors very well—they just moved in a few days ago. You've been meaning to visit them and say hello, but right now you're just determined to give them a piece of your mind.

Trying not to gag from the awful smell, you stick your head out the window and shout, "Are you setting off stink bombs or something?"

Both guys jump at the sound of your voice. They look around for a minute before seeing you leaning out your window.

"No," the guy in blue shouts back. "Cole's cooking!"

"I don't believe you!" you yell back. "No cooking could ever smell that bad!"

"You don't know Cole!" the guy in blue replies. "His chili eats holes in carpet, his chowder is like glue, and don't even get me started on his—"

The guy in red swats his shoulder. "I think she gets it, Jay."

The back door to the house opens and a guy in green stumbles out, followed by a thick cloud of smoke. "We are never letting Cole cook again," he coughs.

"Our new next-door neighbor agrees," the guy in red says. "By the way, what's your name?"

"It's y/n, what's yours?" you reply.

Jay waves at you. "I'm Jay, in case you didn't hear that. I do a little inventing, I dabble in model-building, a touch of cooking, a little poetry—"

The guy in red swats him again. "Sorry. He's very...gah...anyway, I'm Kai, and this is Lloyd."

"Hi, Lloyd," you call.

Lloyd waves at you. "Hi, y/n."

"Hey, y/n," Kai calls. "If you're going to keep talking to us, why don't you come down here so we don't have to yell at each other?"

"Good idea," you yell back. You swing your legs over your windowsill, clamber down the trellis that's leaning against the wall, and climb over the fence into the other backyard.

Lloyd grins at you. "Pretty slick, y/n."

You grin back at him. "I've been sneaking out that way for years. Don't tell my mom."

Your conversation is interrupted when two other people leave the house, along with another cloud of smoke. One is a girl with short black hair, and the other is a boy in some sort of white martial arts gear.

"There you are!" the girl puffs. "I was looking for you guys!"

"Where's Cole?" Jay asks.

"He is attempting to cook, obviously," the boy in white replies. "Who is this?"

"Oh, right," Kai says. "Nya, Zane, this is y/n. She's our next-door neighbor. Y/n, this is my sister Nya and my friend Zane."

Nya grins and hugs you. "Hi, y/n. It's going to be nice to have another girl around."

You awkwardly return the hug. "Nice to meet you, Nya."

Zane smiles at you. "Greetings, y/n."

You smile back. "Hi, Zane."

The door opens again and a boy in black emerges. He's wearing oven mitts and holding a smoking pot at arm's length.

The boy dumps the pot into a garbage can next to the door and slams the lid. "Okay, even I have to admit," he says. "That was not a success."

You raise your eyebrows. "I take it this is Cole?"

"Yeah," he says, looking you up and down. "And you are?"

"This is y/n," Lloyd says. "She's our new neighbor. She was just wondering what smelled so bad."

Cole makes an irritated noise, but Zane cuts him off. "Your cooking is rather pungent, Cole."

"Yeah," Jay says, glaring at Cole. "I think we should ban him from the kitchen."

"I'll second that," Kai says.

Lloyd nods. "I've gotta agree, Cole. That stank—literally."

"Agreed," Zane says.

Cole folds his arms. "I'm gonna tell Sensei—ow!" he winces and rubs his head after someone swats him with a bamboo staff.

The owner of the staff, an old man with a long white beard and a cup of tea in his hand, calmly says, "I agree with the others, Cole. If you attempt to cook again during our stay here, I will forbid you to eat cake for a week."

"No! Not cake!" Cole yelps. "I love cake! I need cake!" The others burst out laughing.

The old man turns to you and shakes your hand. "Hello...y/n, wasn't it? I am Sensei Wu. I see you have already met my students."

"Um...hello," you say. "And yeah, I have."

"It will be good for them to have a friend while they adjust to a new home," Sensei Wu says. Lowering his voice to a stage whisper, he adds, "And between you and me, they need another young lady around to help keep them out of trouble."

Nya laughs. "Hear hear!"

"Hey!" Kai, Jay, and Lloyd protest.

You laugh a little. "I'll do my best!"

(So, obviously this is for all the ninja...I guess it'll split off into separate sections later.

NinjagoForever out!)

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