You see, what happened get a crush!

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"See! I told you you would be a pro at this soon!" Kai grinned as he saw you beat the game.

"A pro? Soon? KAI! It's been at least 30 games, you liar," you hissed in response, but that only made Kai laugh.

"Well, it's better than Cole," Kai said to you, making you laugh.

"Trust me. Everyone is better at everything than Cole. Everything good, for that matter," you say, giggling and getting a laugh out of Kai.

Kai takes a seat next to you and removes the controller from your hands, getting ready to play the next round.

"Owwww..." You whine as you feel pain in your hands and see that they have cramped up. Kai noticed this and he set the controller on his lap before gently massaging your hands.

"Better?" Kai says as he removes his hands and goes back to the the game.

"Better." You nod, feeling your cheeks warm up.

Wait, you were blushing? You can't be blushing. You can't fall for someone you just met, or can you?


"D/n! Bad dog! Come back here!" You sprint down the block, following a furry tail. "Bad dog! Sit! Bad dog! Bad!"

You stopped paying attention to d/n for half a second while you were laughing at a really funny joke Jay made, and d/n pulled the leash from your hand and took off running. 

You slow to a stop, gasping and panting. D/n's pretty fast for a little furball. Either that or you need to get in shape. You take a few deep breaths, then straighten up and look around. Um...where's d/n?

"Great," you mutter to yourself. "Just great, y/n. You had one job. One job! My neighbors are gonna—"

"Hey, y/n, I found him!" You turn around and see Jay jogging up to you, holding d/n. He doesn't even look out of breath. You quietly resolve to start jogging again.

"Jay! Thank you so much! I could kiss you!" you yell, hugging him. You take d/n's leash and make sure you have an extra-firm grip on it. "I mean, uh, you know, because you brought d/n back and all, and I just wanted to say thank you so much, and why am I even still talking, I sound like a dork..."

Jay chuckles. "Don't worry, I do that a lot. I get started and don't know how to stop!"

You let out a relieved laugh. "Okay." You look away so Jay won't see you blushing slightly. You just met Jay a few days ago—you can't have a crush on him! Can you?


"So, what were you trying to explain to me before? About my eyes?" You ask Zane, whom of which was sitting next to you as you skimmed through Netflix for something to watch.

"I was explaining your case of complete and central heterochromia iridus . It is a common mutation that is caused by a lack of melanin in your iris. Your case is very unique. Your e/c inner iris on your left eye is the outer iris' color in your right eye, and your f/c inner iris' color on your right eye is the outer iris' color in your left eye. It is a beautiful mutation." Zane explains to you, and you smile.

"My parents hated it, my friends thought it was a bit crazy, and I just think it is different." You state as you brush your hair with your hand.

"Well, I am your friend, correct?" Zane asks and you nod.

"I don't find it crazy." He smiles as his hand accidentally skims yours.

You feel some sort of butterfly like feeling spurt in your stomach. You are falling for a nindroid? Cool.


"So, coming from the deepest, blackest, most broken part of my heart, you cannot cook worth a d*mn, Cole." You state as Cole tells you yet another fail of his cooking.

"I know, I know." He sighs as he looks in your fridge.

"YOU LIED!" Cole shouts as he grabs a whole red velvet cake from your fridge.

"Cole no!" You yell in return as he is about to stuff a slice in his mouth.

"Why?" He asks, putting the slice down.

"'s mine!" You reply, grabbing the cake from the counter and running to your room with it.

"Please share!" Cole pleads as he knocks on your door.

"No!" You respond as he enters the room and sits next to you.

"Please!" He begs, giving you an attempt of puppy dog eyes.

Aww, how cute. I mean, not just that is cute on him, saying that he is cute in general The things that your mind can say. But does that mean that you have a crush on him? Please be a...right now you don't care if it is a yes or a no


You look at the bucket that Lloyd had propped up above Cole's room, and everyone else's room except his.

"Will this work?" You ask, nervous.

"It has before, and with you here, you gave me the better idea to add washable dye in it." Lloyd compliments as you both look around.

"They're coming!" You whisper to him and you both crawl into the air vent.

You shimmy into a more comfortable position.

Then you realize that are cramped into the air vent with Lloyd.

"So do you think..." Lloyd starts as you pull the vent cover back on and you put your hand over his mouth.

"Shh!" You quietly hiss as the other ninja enter their rooms.

"AH! WHAT THE HELL!" They all yell as, you guess, they look at their pink stained gi.

"LLOYD!" Cole yells and runs out of his room, looking for your companion.

You both scoot farther back into the vent.

You're glad it's dark back here so it would hide your blush.

Wait, blush? Blush rhymes with crush, hence the name. But you had just recently been acquainted with Lloyd. You shouldn't like him already...or should you?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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