Getting to Know Them

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"Coming!" you yell, sprinting down the stairs. "Coming! Sheesh, you can stop ringing the doorbell after the first two dozen-"

You stop midsentence when you open the door and see who was knocking. "Oh, hey Kai. I didn't know it was you."

"Hey, y/n," Kai says casually. "Sorry about that. My friends and I are having a video game tournament, and I was just wondering if you wanted to join us? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want-"

You hold up a hand to stop him. "That sounds like a lot of fun, Kai. I should warn you, though-I'm probably gonna suck."

"That's okay," Kai says. "I'm the video game champ. I can teach you lots of tricks. You'll be playing like a pro before you know it."

You raise your eyebrows skeptically. "We'll see about that."

Kai chuckles. "Relax. You're learning from the master."

"Master of doorbell-spamming," you mutter. "Would it have killed you to only ring it once?"

"It was fun," Kai replies with a grin.

"Let's see if your feet are as fast as your mouth," you reply dryly. "Race you there!" You take off running before Kai has a chance to answer.

"Hey! No fair!" Kai yells from behind you. You laugh and run even faster.


You're out walking your neighbor's dog, (dog's name) when you spot a familiar head of ginger hair.

"Jay!" you call. "Heads up!"

Jay looks over at you and a huge grin spreads across his face. "Y/n! Fancy seeing you again! Oh my gosh, that dog is so cute! Is he yours? What's his name? Come here, boy!"

You laugh a little. "Jay! One thing at a time! His name is d/n, and no, he's not mine, I'm walking him for my neighbors to earn some money over the summer."

Jay chuckles as d/n jumps up and licks his face. "He's a friendly little guy."

"Kind of like you," you joke.

Jay rolls his eyes. "Very funny, y/n."

You use your free hand to nudge his shoulder playfully. "Calm down, it was a compliment."

Jay chuckles. "Mind if I join you for the rest of your walk?"

"Sure," you nod. Walking d/n is fun, but it does get kind of boring sometimes. It'll be nice to have some company.

"So," Jay says casually. "I didn't know you were a dog-walker extraordinaire."

"Excuse me?" you ask.

"Calm down, it was a compliment," Jay says with a grin.

You sigh. "I guess I deserved that."


You're startled by a knock on the door. You don't know of anyone who would be visiting you at this time of day. You head downstairs and open the door to find Zane standing on the porch.

"Greetings, y/n," he says politely. "Is this yours?" He holds out a necklace with a f/c charm hanging from it.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Where did you find it?" you ask. That necklace is the only thing you have from your real parents, and it's super special to you. You'd be heartbroken if you lost it.

"I found it in our backyard yesterday after you left," Zane explains. "I assumed it was yours. Does it have sentimental value to you?"

You take the necklace and fasten it around your neck. "It's a long story, and it's kind of private. But where are my manners? Come on in and have a snack or something."

"I really shouldn't-" Zane begins.

You cut him off. "My parents won't mind. And besides, it's the least I can do to thank you."

Zane seems to debate mentally, then shrugs. "Why not? I would be glad to visit you for a few minutes, y/n."

You laugh and hold the door open. "Come on in. I think I know where my mom hid some pie."


The doorbell rings, interrupting your latest attempt at mastering the art of using a yo-yo. Yes, you were that bored.

You open the door and are surprised to find Cole standing there with a large plate of cookies.

"Hi, y/n," he says. "I just wanted to bring these over to apologize for that cooking fiasco yesterday."

You look at Cole and eye the cookies suspiciously.

Cole seems to realize what you must be thinking, because he explains, "I didn't make these, Zane did. Trust me, he's the best cook in the universe."

You raise your eyebrows skeptically. Cole sighs, then takes a cookie and puts the whole thing in his mouth.

"See? They're good!" he says, spraying crumbs.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," you scold, grabbing a cookie. You take a bite and your eyes widen in surprise. "This is good."

Cole chews and swallows. "Told you. So, can I come in?"

You pretend to think about it. "Well...since you apologized for that mess you made yesterday, and you brought delicious cookies, and you asked nicely, I guess you can come in."

Cole laughs and steps through the door. "By the way, you don't happen to have any cake, do you?"

"Fresh out. Why, did you try to cook again already?"

Cole snorts. "No, I just love cake."

"If you say so."


You're deep into a book when you become dimly aware of the sound of something hitting your window. You turn the page and try to ignore it, but your concentration's broken, and now you can't focus.

You sigh and open the window. Lloyd is standing on your lawn, one arm drawn back to throw a pebble at your window.

"Hey, y/n!" he yells up to you. "It's too nice to be stuck inside all day! Come out here and have some fun!"

"I'm trying to read my book, you moron!" you call back. "I ought to come down there and show you what happens to people who interrupt me when I'm reading!"

Lloyd grins up at you. "You can try!"

"Is that a challenge?" you call back.


You swing out through your window and come down the trellis. "It's on, Lloyd!" You stalk toward Lloyd with your game face on.

Lloyd waits until you're about five feet away, then pulls a water balloon from behind his back and throws it right at you, soaking you. "Gotcha, y/n!"

You look down at your wet clothes, then back up. "Now it really is on, mister!"

Lloyd turns and runs away with you right behind him. You chase him all over your yard, both of you laughing like maniacs the whole time.

(Me again! Hope you're all enjoying!


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