Chapter 15

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I was not expecting bonding time with my sister to be like this. After realizing that I haven’t had my period in over a month, I proceeded to freak out the rest of the night. I was also hit with an immense amount of guilt because I had spent the evening drinking away when I very well could have been pregnant. Early the next morning, Toni volunteered to purchase a pregnancy test for me at the store. I cried while I took it, but she stood outside the bathroom trying to reassure me that it would all be okay. Nothing could have prepared me for the two pink lines that showed up right away.

Toni was so sweet and supportive, especially considering that we were still pretty much strangers. She let me get all my crying out before Lizzie woke up and started asking questions. I swore her to secrecy. I wasn’t ready for anybody local to find out about this unexpected pregnancy and I certainly didn’t need anybody in Glenwood Springs to know.

We tried to make the rest of her time here exciting, but I couldn’t help but feel like there was this little cloud over our time together. Thankfully, Toni stepped up and really took Lizzie under her wing and they did a lot of things together with me just tagging along. It was sad that she was leaving, but we promised that we’d talk soon. Lizzie and Toni exchanged numbers so they could talk too. Building that relationship is so important, but I almost feel like I didn’t need to do anything else, they quickly bonded and are doing their own thing.

After her visit, I went to the doctor and they did an exam to verify the pregnancy. They did an ultrasound and sure enough, the time of conception was when I was with Damon. I was not surprised at all, he was the only man I’d slept with since Lance and I separated. My doctor printed out an ultrasound picture and I just stared at it for hours while crying. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had a teenager at home, for crying out loud. I never imagined I’d be starting over with a newborn, especially one whose father was supposed to be just a one-night stand.

I told my first lie to my sister, well lie by omission, when I told her that the father was somebody I just had a fling with. She did assume that it was somebody around here and that was fine. I let her think that because the last thing I could admit to her was I slept with a guy that was pretty much family to her. It was even more complicated than I planned to tell Lizzie. I waited until I was closer to twelve weeks, partially because I didn’t want to tell her if I lost the pregnancy and partially because I didn’t know how she was going to react. I shouldn’t have questioned her though, when I told her what was going on she smiled and squealed.

I cried and she asked me if they were happy tears or sad. I told her I didn’t know, but I was happy if she was going to be happy. She admitted that it was a bit weird, but she loved the idea of having a baby brother or sister, and then she swore she’d be there to help me and of course, I started crying again. She was a dream come true.

These hormones were going to be out of control and I went from a non-crier to an all-the-time crier now. I was still scared and there was a lot of concern, but with our current support system, I felt good.

I had no idea how I was going to tell Damon about the baby. I didn’t want to be that person that had a baby and didn’t tell the dad, but Damon and I lived hours apart from each other and I didn’t know if he ever wanted anything other than a one-night stand with me. I didn’t want to wrap him in a full relationship, a baby, and maybe even a family.

He needed to hear about it in person. Even if I did have his number, it would be a shitty thing to text him this life-changing information. Since Lizzie had been bugging me about going to visit Toni, it seemed like a better time than any to plan the trip and share the news with him. I’d be about 16 weeks, which was probably 16 weeks too long to wait, but it is what it is.

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