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Hermione Granger (Hot Hermione)

Hermione Granger (Hot Hermione)

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Hermiones mother is a spy and her father is a drug dealer and a assassion. Uncle on mom said taught her military training.

Hermione is a trained spy, assassion, and drug dealer.

Hermione has quick reflexes and know how to use every weapon ever made and know hand to had combat.

Due to all her training Hermione doesn't make mistake.

Hermione is a witch but she is also Animagus (black wolf) and a Metamorphmagus and know wandless and nonverbal magic and can speak and understand any language. Hermione is also really smart.

Hermione is rich since her mother and father got paid for being a spy and assassion.

Hermione mother, father, and uncle became scared of Hermione because of how good she was. Hermione was a better spy and assassion then her mom and dad. She was better with military training to.

I know it may not make sense but just thought it would be cool.

Got this idea from The Uncle From America heartweasley17

The story will be a lot of the same story but it also wont be.

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