Chapter 7

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Hermione pov

The Summer School classes were to be taught in a tall building in the middle of New York. Thankfully, Miss Hill had given her very precise instructions as to how to reach it. From the outside, it didn't look spectacular, one mundane building among others. Hermione glanced right, then left. On one side of the school there was a bakery, and on the other side, a plumber's office. Passersby strolled in front of the main entrance without even noticing it. Not unlike the Leaky Cauldron, come to think of it. Still, she held back the urge to roll her eyes; wizards in America were so...weird, to exhibit their properties in the middle of muggle business. At least the Leaky Cauldron was uninviting from the outside and a bit on the inside.

The front door opened and a woman pulled a small child out behind her and onto the street. She looked perfectly normal, dressed in a pure muggle fashion. The child wore a bright orange and white miniature uniform. It was very school-like, with a badge pinned on the front of his shirt. The logo on the badge was similar to the one on the papers Miss Hill had her sign the other day. This was the right place, she decided.

The inside wasn't much grander either. The walls and decoration were quite simple, no huge portraits or fancy decorations like Hogwarts. The style was far too...modern. Unstylish. Bland. Hermione sighed and continued on. She didn't think these people had any taste. Or maybe Hogwarts' splendors had blinded her too much.

A receptionist sat behind a high desk. Said receptionist, amiddle-aged man, was waving a wand at a bunch of papers, making them twirl into a colorful, harmless, mini hurricane. She waited for him to take notice of her. A name tag pinned on his chest indicated the name 'Usher'.

(Without the blue jean jacket)

(Without the blue jean jacket)

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"Good morning sir. My name is Hermione Granger; I'm here for a late integration into summer classes," She said eventually when he didn't move.

'Usher' raised an eyebrow, mumbled something and stared at the paper hurricane. One piece detached from the others and slid neatly into his waiting hand.

"Hermione Granger, newbie?" Hermione nodded when she realized he was asking for confirmation. "Yeah, that's your face," He added and pointed to a corridor behind him. "Third floor, room twelve. Your supervisor's name is Hakker," Pause. "You British?" At her positive answer, he added: "For reminder floor one is ground level here. So you need to go to second. Good day,"

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