Chapter 10

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Hermione nearly tore the envelopes she received that morning. She dreaded slightly the reaction of her uncle to the news, so started with his.

 She dreaded slightly the reaction of her uncle to the news, so started with his

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'November 18th

SERIOUSLY, DRAGONS? You are so lucky I'm being sent on serious business, or I would have harassed Maria to bring me to your damn school and have words with your headmaster and whoever had this wonderful idea of including dragons...DRAGONS... in a tournament for unprepared children! Seventeen isn't quite a child anymore but heck Hermione, after what I've heard about this Tournament, I thought they'd be more cautious or something! Do keep me updated on the situation and be safe.

Maria said something about a sleeping spell 'somnumon'. Depending on yours and your friend's magical strength it might just dull the dragon's reflexes instead of making it fall asleep. And there's a flameproof spell 'contignusa' that protects even against magical flames. Hope it'll help.




Hermione thanked whoever was 'In Charge' up there that he had not heard of Howlers. She did frown at the remark on the dangerousness of these tasks. Had she not been participating in the Tournament, she might have been impressed at the unsuspected part. Now that Harry was involved, her opinion had changed radically. She momentarily imagined Clint standing up to Dumbledore, spitting and rambling angrily while the headmaster nodded with infinite patience. Or how would officials react facing him and Natasha, armed to teeth. She had no illusion on their chances against trained to combat wizards, but Hermione was quite sure even Aurors could be thrown off by the element of surprise. And her uncle was very well-trained, even for muggle standards...

Pushing the thought aside, she grabbed her quill and scribed down the two new spells on the list of the very few things she had found so far. She had wanted Hill's opinion, as an adult with likely a different knowledge of Britain. And she wasn't disappointed since she hadn't found 'somnumon' or 'contignusa' during her research. A lot calmer, now that she had something new to work on, she opened the second letter.

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