Chapter 5: Under Stress

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As the day went on, I couldn't help but get an eery feeling from the pizzeria. It felt like I was back in time—like it was three years ago.

I kept getting this sensation of being watched throughout my shift as well. Either from the spirits or some creepy employee.

But someone was watching me.

Not to mention I was still extremely off put by the letter I read earlier. Cole was clearly doing something suspicious, more so illegal. I didn't necessarily have the evidence he kidnapped someone, but that letter hinted it.

As I finished fixing one of the broken arcade games I checked once more behind my back in case of any spirit or man looming. Not surprisingly, no one was there but a few children in the background. I sighed and turned back around to grab my toolbox, finally completing my last task for a late lunch break.

The shopping inconvenience the other night may have made me paranoid as well, but I still couldn't ignore my senses and the ultimate feeling in my body of eyes on me. Only spying on me.

I decided for my lunch break I was going to try and decode Cole's letter some more. Perhaps try and figure out if the theoretical man exists or if it's some code word. Maybe the whole letter was a prank or a scare, or maybe it is real.

And someone is being held against their will.

I situated myself inside my office and shut my door, unwelcoming to any visitors or employees attempting conversation. I needed my undivided attention on that letter and what it meant.

Luckily, I still remembered most of what it said and I could re-write what was written.

I began writing and paraphrasing everything I remember about that note. The SpringBonnie suit, the amusement park, and the hostage. I wrote in quotes and detailed sentences and wrote Cole's name at the bottom.

I read over the paper and smirked. I was able to retain most of what I had seen earlier fortunately. I decided to keep this myself for now until I had more evidence or had a well-organized theory.

My main question was, why does he have a man in his possession? What did the guy do to deserve that? Why would anyone resort to that? The only way of finding out is to ask Cole, but I can't do that clearly. I have no idea what would happen to me. I might even end up like that guy.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" Startling me was Henry Emily, appearing behind the closed door. I quickly scrambled for the letter I created and stuffed it in my drawer.

"Yeah! Come in."

Henry came in moments later with a smile on his face. I greeted him with a nod as he got comfortable and took a seat across from me. It seemed I wouldn't be able to look into this as much as I wanted.

"So I've been wanting to discuss the third attraction with you further. Cole and I both agree that—"

"Since when does Cole have a say?" Since when does his opinion matter?

"Well, he's a training under me and he's a very smart young man. He reminds me of myself when I was that age..." Henry chuckled a bit, rubbing his neck awkwardly. I found the two nothing alike. Cole was manipulating, Henry was genuinely friendly.

"Cole has only recently joined, Henry. I think you are giving him too much power too soon."

"I think Cole has earned it. He's very hard-working. But agree to disagree, Y/N. Instead of arguing, I would rather spend your break discussing the new attraction." Henry's smile was no longer there. It was then I had noticed his stress marks. He rubbed his eyes with his fingers and sighed heavily. The man seemed overwhelmed by something.

"Um, before we everything okay?" My usual serious face dropped into one of concern.

"Not really. I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about everything that has happened and my family recently. I've been having nightmares."

I sympathized up until Henry stated he had nightmares. That's when I froze. Could he possibly also be having dreams given from spirits? Could his own daughter be doing this? I couldn't imagine how Henry would react to such a thing. It'd be horrible for him.

Then I realized I was assuming too much again. I don't know if this is the spirits doing or not, I'm just being paranoid. I shut my eyes briefly and focused on the main matter Henry brought up.

"I understand, Henry. It's terrible what you  and your family went through. Even though it's been years, you still need to process."

Henry looked up at me seemingly calmer. "Yeah. I just keep having these memories of Charlotte and Will. Both of them. And a bunch of old corrupted memories from the old diner. It's sickening. Heck, sometimes I even see your spring-lock incident."

I shivered slightly at that.

"I'm worried about your mental health, Henry. You really should see a doctor or therapist. I think it would help with the nightmares at least." Dropping my concerns for Cole and the unnamed kidnapped man, I focused my attention on Henry.

"Therapy can't bring my daughter back."

The coldness of his voice stunned me. And  I had never seen such look of dead void in his eyes before. It's as if he's reliving her death all over again, and everything afterwards.

"You're right, it can't. But maybe it can bring the life in your eyes back."

"...You were always good with words, Y/N." Henry exhaled, shaking his head. "I'll look into it. Since your so insistent."

"You'll thank me later." I let myself smile slightly.

"I appreciate you, kiddo. Thanks for listening, really." Henry seemed back to his usual self as he dug into his lunch and placed it onto my desk, his body less tense.

"I'll always listen, Henry. But we should probably start eating before break ends."


I forgot about my worries for the next eighteen minutes.

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