Chapter 11: Tough Times Lead to Desperate Measures

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It was a few days after the paranormal occurrence and it was now time for me to go back to work. Though, I wasn't sure I was ready to face Cole, Henry, and whatever the hell awaits at that haunted pizzeria again. But I knew I needed to.

"Behave at school, Micheal."

The kids giggled as I pointed my fingers at him in an expected manner, he rolled his eyes and huffed. I shut the garage door behind me and started my car up. The children were to be picked up by the bus so I could get to work without an issue.

My car jump started and made a few alarming groans before it completely deflated and broke down. I put my keys back in the chamber to attempt to start it again but it was no use. I wasn't going anywhere. I suppose this was karma for vacationing a few days.

"Damn it!"

Slamming my front door shut, I walked back into my house and pulled out my phone. The three Afton's gave me concerned stares but didn't speak as I was now on the phone.

"Hey Henry, sorry to bother you but my car isn't starting and I was wondering if you were available to give me a ride—if not that's okay. I have walked a few times in the past and it's been no problem."

Recoiling from the past memories of doing such activities, I ended the voicemail conversation and put my phone away until I would hear it chime again.

"What happened with your car?" Michael asked. He was now up and out of the couch.

"It broke down and I'll need to get someone to fix it. But you guys don't have to worry, you still have the bus for school." I didn't want them handling extra stress on their day or thinking the broken car would disable them. It would just make them more worried and upset.

"But how will you go to work?" Elizabeth chipped in, her face visibly showing sadness.

"I can just get Henry to drive me. It'll be alright."

"Yeah, I remember when you used to walk alone from work at night. That was really weird." Michael scoffed with his arms folded around his chest. But I could see he was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of me doing that again. His tone and body was nervous.

"Walking's a last resort. And that was at night, it's morning."

They didn't look very relaxed but the bus had arrived at that exact moment and so, they didn't get so comment anything else. I hurried them out the door and waved goodbye as they all left with a slight hesitance and sensation of doom in their bodies.

As I walked back in my house I heard a ding go off from my pocket.

Henry: I'm sorry Y/N. But I'm not going to Freddy's today because I am going out to look for new houses. (Near here of course!)

Henry: Cole just offered to pick you up. He'll be there in 20 !!

I blinked at my phone before checking how long I had. The message was sent two minutes ago. It was unlikely I would be able to stop Cole from going to my house. How did he even know where I live? Criminal. Still, it reminded me of William.

William. Crap. I had to talk to Cole about William. I can't believe I just put my life on hold for a few days because of some silly spirits that are angry with me. William was still out there and I haven't done anything with that information. I'm a terrible person. It was a good thing Cole was coming. I need to talk to him more about Will because I certainly have not texted James.


A black SUV slowly parked into my driveway as I locked the door behind me. I had never seen his car myself, but it looked quite fancy. Although, for a undercover criminal I expected more.

"Good morning, Ms. L/N. I heard you were having car problems?" Cole immediately jumped into conversation as soon as I sat down in his leather-seated car. It was irritating.

"Yes. Thank you for the ride." I tried speaking as professionally as possible. But with everything that has happened between us, I don't know if that's achievable.

"Of course. I can take a look at your car too if you don't want to pay."

I hastily declined, "No, that's okay. I'm going to get it checked out later."

The car went silent as he continued down the road and I just felt incredibly uncomfortable. I don't understand why he would feel the need to help my car. We weren't that close. And professionally, that's not even something I'd allow.

"Have you texted Jamison?"

Jamison? Oh, James. "No. I would rather speak to you about William."

Cole looked at me and chuckled like it was a light topic. I glared through the rear-view mirror. Nothing about this was funny. William had mysteriously vanished and he wouldn't tell me why.

"You like to cut right to the chase, don't you? That's not usually how it works in the business I do." His laughter drifts off. "Last I heard, Afton was at a facility being taken care of."

His words were carefully crafted and I couldn't help but feel he was hiding something. Was he telling me he was in a mental asylum? Or is he being 'taken care of' by one of his men?

"Can you be more specific?" I deadpanned.

"Well, how would that benefit me?" He paused, his face serious with confusion. "I'll tell you things about your little boyfriend if you play my game."

I was starting to hate this car ride. Play his game? That felt like a trap.

"Seriously, Cole?!" I hissed with my eyes squinted avoiding his pleased gaze. He was too happy about his advantage over me.

"You can ask me one question of your choice for one chore you do for me." He concluded his supposed idea of a game, which really was a pathetic game. I didn't want to be his pawn.

"I don't want to deliver drugs for you."

"And you won't! My chores never involve anything illegal. Unless you want them to."

I thought for a moment, reliving my old life with William and the eventful life I used to have. "Fine. Deal."

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