Chapter 19: 1 Night or Night 1

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"It's so cold..."

We had been in the woods for nearly a day.  The two of us had ran so deep. We were so scared that by the time we stopped running, neither of us could find our way out of the forest.

"I'm sure we're near the road. We have to be." William had been in some sort of denial that we were lost. He would always claim he knew where we were and where to go, but I always felt like we were just going in circles.

The sun had set long ago now. If I had to guess, I'd say it was most likely the middle of the night. Which is what made our situation even scarier. At this point, I was more afraid of monsters and wild animals than being lost.

"William, I'm really tired. And you clearly have no idea where we're going." He looked like he was about to snap. "Can we please just rest for the night?"

Afton sighed, "I suppose you do need to rest. It's not like we can see much in the dark anyway."

That was true, and beyond frightening. I could barely even see him! In order to make sure we didn't lose each other, both Afton and I had locked hands as soon as it became difficult to see. And that's how we've been traveling.

"Where are we going to camp out?" I looked around. I couldn't see much, but I could hear. There were a lot of owls and coyotes. It would be hard to sleep with all this ruckus.

He thought for a moment. "Rest up on that tree."

It was a tree I could hardly see. "Okay...but what about you?"
"I'm going to stay awake. I think we should both take turns, in case of an emergency."

That sounded reasonable. However, I wasn't entirely sure what he meant by 'emergency'. I was too tired to question it.

Solemnly, I walked over to the tree. It was only a few steps away from us. William and I were still hand in hand. As the two of us sat down, I realized the tree was a rather rigid surface to lay my head on.

Afton seemed to notice that too.

"Don't be shy. You can lay on me, love." I couldn't really see his face, but I just knew he was smirking. Bashfully, I squirmed up against him and rested my head on his shoulder. He responded by putting his arm around me, pulling me in even closer.

I fell asleep swiftly.


I woke up to the sun beaming at my face. Yawning, I stretched my arms and slowly opened my eyes.

William wasn't next to anymore. Part of me was missing the embrace. I didn't see him anywhere though. Where was he?

Wait...why didn't he wake me up?

Weren't the two of us supposed to 'take turns'? I became worried. Did he leave me here? Abandon me?? I immediately stood up and began looking around for him.

"Will! William!" My heart was pounding. Why would he leave me? I thought he loved me. I was alone. I had never felt more alone and scared in my life.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I can't believe I risked my neck to save him! That bastard! As quickly as I became sad, I became furious.

"Dear, are you okay?"

Stunned, I nearly slapped him.

"Are you serious?! Where have you been?! I thought you left me!" William could visibly see how upset I was. His mouth dropped slightly, before shaking his head and rushing over to me. Denying my statement.

"Now why would I do such a thing? Y/N, you know how much I love you. Don't you remember what I told you?" Afton instantly hugged me. I could feel the anxiety leave my body as I felt his touch.

I huffed, relaxing a little. "Then why didn't you wake me up?"

He pulled away from the hug, smirking back at me. "I simply wanted you to get your rest. I left earlier to try and get us some food."

I perked up at that. "...Did you find anything?"

"I found loads of fruits. I brought back your favorite." Afton pointed to the ground, which showed a variety of fruits being contained by a pile of leaves.

I didn't think I could smile wider. "Thank you, William. I was so hungry." I walked over to the food and bent down. "Should we continue searching?"

"I think that would be best. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can find our kids." William's smile dropped to a face of seriousness.

I nearly dropped my food. I can't believe I forgot about them...I'm a horrible mother! Panicked, I grabbed a few pieces of my favorite fruit and dashed over to Afton. He looked concerned with the worried look on my face.

"What's wro—"

"We need to get out of here, now." I took off for the woods. I didn't look to see if he followed behind me. I just needed to get out of here. Those kids are in danger.

William quickly caught up to me. He didn't say anything, though I could feel his gaze as I looked around the forest. This place was ginormous. How could anyone ever find their way through this place?!

They probably couldn't. Maybe that's why the two of us were put in a house in the middle of nowhere.

Still, shouldn't people be going through here every once in a while? At least, to mark areas?! People could die from being lost in here!

Hopefully that wasn't our case...

"Y/N, I really don't mean to set upset you, but you are going in circles." William appeared tense as he said that. I wasn't aware I was making myself so hostile.

Was I really going in circles?

Yes. I was...

"I wasn't paying attention." I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so emotional, I just wanna get home and make sure everyone is safe."

Afton looked understanding. "I feel the same way as you do. But panicking isn't going to change our situation."

I nodded, looking around once more. "I know...Why don't you take the lead?"

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