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A little girl skipped along a dirt path, a daisy chain on her head, and a basket filled with flowers in her hand. She was returning home from her first day of school. She'd had an incredibly fun day filled with activities and subjects for her to learn.

Everyone had been so kind, and she learned that her previous feelings of overbearing nervousness were something completely unnecessary.

She began humming her favorite song, as she recited the notes in her head.

Home, let me go home... She thought as she hummed the notes. Home is wherever I'm with you...

"Ah, home let me go home..." she began singing softly to herself. "Home is when I'm alone with you..." She stopped skipping, and her singing grew quieter as she caught a whiff of the choking odor of smoke.

"La, la... la, la..." her song grew slower. "I'm coming home."

The girl saw the source of the smell. Smoke was rising from the direction of her village. She immediately dropped her basket, and ran towards her home.

There it was. The small town of Hibiscus, burning bright in the reddish glow of flame. Above was a massive bird Pokemon, shining brilliantly in the radiance of the sun. The girl blocked the light from her eyes using her forearm, and the gusts of wind from the power of the Pokemon's wings blew the small girl right off her feet. Her daisy chain flew off her head, and swisted into the fire.

The Pokemon let out a loud cry, and the ground shook. The plains that were home to Hibiscus Village were lighting aflame like they were simply more fuel to continue the blaze.

The girl began to sob loudly, and with nobody around to hear, she simply cried into the sky. The massive Pokemon continued to fly in circles around Hibiscus, not noticing the girl in the tutu mourn for her village. All of her family, friends... gone.


Eventually, night began to fall, but the Village continued to burn. The Pokemon let out one last cry before flying off into the plains, leaving Hibiscus behind.

The girl had been dried out of tear for hours now. She watched the Pokemon fly off, and her sadness for those she had lost had slowly began to reform into a different feeling. One the girl had never felt so strongly before.

It was anger. The thirst for revenge made her ball up her fists. She had been raised to stay positive through thick and thin, but now that everyone she cared about was stripped from her, she had forgotten her teachings.

She began running in the direction of where she had seen the figure leave, and she didn't plan on stopping until she caught up.


Hello! Welcome to this new fic! I can't wait to get started with this, especially because...

I am going to have an Update Race with @blazingtalon!!! We are going to see who can finish a fic first, that has at least fourty chapters, not including Author's Notes. Let's see who will win this thing!!! Bring it on!!! >:D

Please remember to:

Vote! Comment! Read on!


P. S. Sorry about the unpublishing! I was having some difficulties with mobile, and that was the only way I could get it to fix.

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