The board

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Alfred felt antsy where he was sitting. It was the day of the party, 12 past 2. Overthinking, wondering if maybe his friends just ditched out on him despite the fact it's only been 12 minutes since 2 pm, the time he said was a good time to come over, and not all his friends lived close, but he just couldn't help overthink. His leg bounced and his hands occasionally would pat his thighs as he looked around the living room. He felt like an excited puppy waiting for their own to arrive home.

Right as the doorbell rang he rushed to the front door, shouting a quick "I'll get it!" Probably before Matthew could even open his bedroom door. He unlocked it and practically swung it open, immediately smiling as he was greeted by kiku, feliciano and ludwig and hugged kiku as he was in front of both males.

"Guys! You made it!" He beamed, kiku froze but didn't complain about the rather tight hug

"Of course we would alfie!" Feli smiled as he made his way past his friend, "are we the first ones here?"

"Mhm!" Alfred said, "you guys can just put your stuff in the living room, "we're gonna sleep in there"

"Noted" Ludwig said quietly as he and kiku entered

"Also I've already called dibs on the pull out couch, so unless you want to wake up and complain about me being a blanket hog, have fun sleeping on the inflatable mattress or in a sleeping bag"

"See Ludwig? I told you my idea to bring our sleeping bags wasn't dumb" feli cheered almost as if he had won an argument

Alfred giggled and he walked to the living room, "where's lovino?"

"He's at Antonio's house so they'll both come over here together" feliciano replied as he set his bag down, unrolling his sleeping bag while Ludwig did the same.

"Makes sense" Alfred replied as he sat back down on the couch

"I have a feeling they both won't show up for a few hours" kiku said quietly as he sat next to his friend

"So while we wait should we pick some movies to watch? I brought one of my own from home, it's called midsommar" feliciano said as he pulled a case from his bag

"Oooo I've seen that movie" Alfred beamed, "We should totally watch it"

"Maybe later when everyone else is here" Ludwig chimed in

Just as he said that the doorbell rang once more and Alfred got up to go get it, the door already being unlocked he just opened it, although not as excited as he had calmed down a few seconds ago. At the door was lovino and Antonio, and behind them approached two others who seemed a bit shy.

"Hey guys!" Alfred smiled as he moved so both could come inside, "we're gonna sleep in the living room so feel free to go ate yourself in there"

"I hope you don't mind but I did bring a board game" Antonio said as he entered

"Ooooo" Alfred smiled all excited, "what did ya bring?"

"You'll just gave to wait and see"

Alfred giggled as the two walked towards the living room

"What's up guys!" Antonio said excitedly as he entered

Alfred looked back out the door, seeing two more people. Ivan and Dimir, he smiled and got excited.

"Yay You guys actually came!" He beamed, clapping his hands in an excited manner

Ivan smiled, "I would have brought yao but, I didn't know how you would have felt about that"

Alfred giggled, "I wouldn't have minded all too much, we can call him and invite him over if you want to"

"I'll have to do that later" Ivan said, Alfred noticing how Dimir shyly cling to the taller Russian

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