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Alfred awoke on the floor of his bedroom, a blanket barely covering him, the TV by this point was off but the console he and Dimir played on was still on. He slept with his glasses on which left red marks on his face. He sat up a bit, rather tired, he rubbed his eyes and let his eyes adjust to the sun coming through the curtains of his room. He sat there for a moment before yawning and crawling over slightly to turn off the console, before he turned over to his bed, seeing Dimir all tucked in and still fast asleep.

He contemplated between waking him up, staying awake and not waking up Dimir, or just going right back to sleep. He looked around a bit for his phone and quickly grabbed it.

7:14 am, he sighed and laid back down, his head flopping down on the pillow below him, he decided to just sleep for a bit more, it was too early for a Sunday morning, and he was just so warm, it was hard not to fall asleep in these conditions.

Alfred woke up again to a pillow being thrown on his face, beating giggling around him as he grabbed the pillow, and threw it somewhere in the room, not really paying attention to where he threw it. He had a tired and grumpy look on his face, stretching and rubbing his eyes before opening them fully, adjusting to the light and fixing his glasses, he didn't take them off when he went back to sleep.

"Morning sleepy head" feliciano said, sitting down next to his friend, "you look like you just had some of the best sleep ever"

"Yeah, kinda" Alfred spoke, sleepiness leaking from his voice

"You're brother is making all of us breakfast in a little bit, do you want to maybe play some video games while we wait?" Kiku asked

"Yeah yeah, just give me a moment" Alfred said as he stretched once again , before crawling over to his console and turning it on.

Very quickly the smell of pancakes filled the room, Alfred could hear his stomach growl in hunger as he smelt the delicious scent. The scent definitely attracted someone, Dimir. Dimir had still be asleep throughout this time, but that rather strong smell finally dragging him from sleep, letting out a tired whine as he hid his face in the pillow on Alfred's bed.

Alfred turned over to face his bed and giggled, "good morning sleepy head" he said, warning another cranky whine from the other, making kiku and feliciano giggle.

"Breakfast is ready!" Matthews voice called, resulting in Alfred getting up and running out of the room like his life depended on it. Feliciano and kiku quickly, but not quick enough attempting to catch up with their friend. Dimir not trailing behind, instead further burying himself in the blankets he was wrapped in.

Breakfast was eventful, Alfred finished his breakfast way before any of his friends, yet none of them seemed to really be surprised except maybe Ivan as he and Alfred never really talked or seen each other willingly outside of school, but he didn't say anything as he didn't care all too much. When Dimir did eventually come down he barely ate the little but of breakfast he did get.

"Are you not really hungry?" Alfred asked

"Not really, I don't usually eat in the morning" Dimir replied, "you can have the rest of it if you want, I don't want to waste food,"

"Nah, you can throw it away" Matthew chimed in, "I don't mind" he said with a smile

"I-I just don't want to be rude-"

"Listen, it's fine, not everyone is gonna be hungry in the morning"

Although the reassurance did nothing to help, Dimir didn't end up finishing it and with the coaxing of his friends older brother, he threw the rest away. As we was walking back to the living room to gather his things and hang out for the rest of the time he felt a mass sit on his feet before being greeted with a loud "meow". He looked down to be met with a fattest cat he's ever seen sitting on his feet, looking up at him almost with a smile, and instantly his heart melted.

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