forty five

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"She's even more beautiful pregnant, I swear." Vincent Bruno spoke of his heavily pregnant wife, while he was next to me in the conference room. 

"Your wife is pregnant too, right?" He asked, and I nodded my head, a sudden warmth at the thought of my sweet girl. I was irritated at the fact that I couldn't go to her appointment with her, but this meeting had been long time coming, and unless Briar was giving birth, I had to stay right here.

"She is." I answered with a subtle grin, "32 weeks today. How's Ezra been handling it?" I asked. 

I was still shocked at the fact that Vincent was married. He was the most closed off man I've ever met. It was shocking to me that the man who hated to be touched, and was an avid eyeball collector, was this head over heels with a woman half his size. 

I'm a hypocrite, I know. 

He flashed a cocky grin, "There's something  about Ezra being swollen with my daughter that makes me feel feral, or something. It's like, she has always been mine, but now it feels stronger than that." He admitted, and I didn't say it out loud, but I agreed full heartedly. 

Vincent Bruno and a few others were visiting Boston for our meeting that occurred once every five years. And of course, that day fell just weeks before Briar, and Ezra, were expected to give birth.

But there was a new Don out west.

Now, this wasn't typically a huge deal, but this particular Don wasn't born into the role like the majority of us were. His past, to the majority of us, was very unclear to the point where I wasn't sure he was born into the family at all. 

Rumor has it, his family was severely impoverished. I knew he had grown up in New Mexico, but later he moved once he joined the family. He quickly rose his way through the ranks until he presumably killed the old don, Romero, last year. 

And at that moment, an unfamiliar man walked into the room. I sat a little straighter.

"Rocky St James. Nice to see you again." A familiar voice I knew as Lucas Marchetti spoke up. 

I looked up to see the man himself. He was around Vincent's height, with dark hair and more bulk than I'd seen on a person. He took a long, angry look at all the men that were sat around the table, but he didn't say anything, just took a seat next to Vincent.

He didn't look at either of us, so Vincent turned back to me. "So, how's Briar been doing? Ezra's had these intense cravings and makes me leave the house at all hours of the night to get her random foods. This week, its been full on whole white onions, dipped in hot sauce. It's fucking insane. And the fruit. Don't start me on the goddamn fruit." He rolled his eyes, but I could tell he was embellishing his anger.

He hadn't stopped talking about the girl from the moment we sat down. 

I wondered if people thought I did that?  On a second though, who gives a fuck? I love my sweet girl, and didn't give a fuck who knew it. 

"You're both acting like fucking pussies." A rough voice next to Vincent spit out. "You're both fawning over these women like they have cunts made of gold or something." 

"You have a wife?" Vincent asked, and Rocky let out a shake of his head. "No."

"When you get find a women you actually love, it changes things. When you get married, you can come back and try this again." Vincent chuckled. 

"It'll never happen." Rocky snarked back, presumable done with the conversation. 

I was about to tell him how wrong he was, when my phone started ringing. I leaned over to reach into my pocket, pulling the phone out and answering immediately, "Hi sweet mama." I answered the phone, "Can I call you back in a few minutes?" I asked.

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