rise of the snakes

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I train on my own until Wu shows up and asks "y/n where are the ninja they should be watching you." I respond "oh Wu 1.I can look after myself  I don't need the ninja to babysit me,I am 11 and I have read every book on any enemy was could face and I cook food for the ninja on my own.2.they are in the gaming room because 'Garmadon is gone so why should we train today' lucky I do more training then video games." I get on my dragon fly off because garmadon returned.

I soon hear a garmadon laugh but unlike the other people running in fear I try go closer.I hide my hair in my hood as I go closer.I soon see it's lloyd garmadon.I see the ninja in the village saying they wanted to fight garmadon.I hear the ninja soon talking about the serpentine,I soon say to them "in total there a 6 serpentine tribes and 5 are in there tombs.The ones out are the devourers. " I wissle a serpentine appear scaring everyone but me. The leader looks at me and says "you called us y/n." I respond "wanted to prove the serpentine are real to the ninja." I hand all the candy in the village to lloyd. I grab Lloyd and the candy then fly away on my dragon and ask "did the school kick you out for not being evil enough." Lloyd nods his head as I say " I have a plan,"I then explain it to lloyd. We soon arrive at the hypnobrai tomb,we open it and fall in.We meet the leader as he tries to hypnotise us.I knock lloyd so he doesn't look in the snakes eyes and I soon call for the devourers.I make a deal with the leader saying "if you let the boy tell you what to do I will let you live and don't tell your tribe about this also don't try hurt lloyd or else you will suffer the consequences of it."

The leader agrees with fear in his eyes as I wake lloyd up and say "he is willing to work with us."More of the  hypnobrai come. Later,they steal candy for lloyd and I watch the ninja on a building.I laugh as they run away. Nya explains to everyone about their powers.I see Kai fighting some snakes so I use my air powers to lift him up as he is doing  spinjizu.I laugh and I am playing with kai using my powers laughing while doing it.I see zane go after Lloyd so I drop Kai and I run using my powers on lloyd and the cart of candy.I move him and the cart away from the ice Zane made.I call for tornada my dragon.She gets me,lloyd and the cart as Lloyd says "retreat." We all go back to the tomb.I says to lloyd "hey lloyd I got the candy you wanted,"smiling as I'm holding my right arm because I fell hurting my arm while running to lloyd.

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