Goodbye to a Saint

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In Your House approached faster than anyone had anticipated. Unfortunately, Aiken couldn't make it because of a school function. It sucked, but he made sure that Freddy updated him throughout. However, Freddy had his own agenda to worry about as well. He was finally accepted as a dress wearing male by Owen! It was one of the best days of his life!

"Freddy, what's going on?" Aiken would ask.

Freddy would reply, "Uncle Owen is preparing for his match." or "Uncle Owen and I are talking about the entrance!" Aiken didn't mind though. As long as Freddy was having fun, that was fine with him.

Time passed and it was time for Owen's match. Aiken talked to Freddy about how it would go. Freddy even got Owen on the phone, which made Aiken get protective.

"Did they test your harness?" Aiken asked.

"Well not really," Owen replied. "But I'll be fine! We can meet for ice cream after the match!"

Those words took Aiken's worries right away, "Alright, that sounds good, but if you get hurt, you better bet I'll give Vinny a piece of his mind."

Owen laughed. "Oh Aiken, don't you worry about me, I'll be fi- oh I gotta go! See you after, champ!" Aiken said goodbye to Owen as Freddy kept him on the phone.

"Uncle Owen's going down!" Freddy exclaimed. His excitement would be short lived, however, which prompted panic.

"Oh my gosh! Uncle Owen just crashed!"

Aiken froze. "Freddy, he what?"

"He hit the top rope and he's laying on the mat!" Aiken grabbed Edge and told him that they had to get to the event quickly as Freddy went to check on Owen.

"Freddy," Aiken's voice shook. "I'm on my way, stay where you are." Aiken and Edge sped to the arena. When they got there, Bret held Aiken back.

"Aiken don't," he said. "The doctor's will handle it." Aiken pushed past Bret and went to Freddy and then to a doctor. They checked Owen's pulse and then called for paramedics ASAP.

"Is he okay?" Aiken asked panicked. The doctor turned to Aiken.

"Kid, are you related to Mr. Hart?" the doctor asked.

"I'm not," Aiken said. "But Freddy here is." The doctor knelt down to Freddy.

"How are you related to Mr. Hart, young man?" the doctor asked Freddy.

"I'm his cousin!" Freddy said. "Why?-"

"Young man, your uncle...unfortunately passed away." Freddy looked confused.

"Don't you mean he's sleeping?" Freddy asked.

Aiken sighed while restraining tears. "Freddy, Owen, he's...gone. His heart isn't beating anymore. That killed him.." It was then when Freddy finally understood. He grabbed Aiken's hand and ran to the back. The whole time, Aiken couldn't find himself to cry. Not in front of Freddy, Edge, Bret, or anyone. He had to be strong for his friend. They ended up bumping into Shawn.

"Guys!" He exclaimed, worried. "I'm so sorry..." Aiken couldn't even get any words out. Owen was more than just his bodyguard. He was a brother, a friend. He was family. As Shawn embraced the boys, Aiken was left with only flashes of what Owen had said to him. Why didn't they test his harness? They wanted this to happen. Aiken immediately ran to Vince's office. Shawn knew how bad that was going to go.

"AIKEN!" Shawn yelled as he chased the boy. Aiken broke down Vince's door with tears streaming down his face.


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