Team Extreme Discomfort

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Two years passed, and Aiken became an adult. The idea of being an adult, unlike scary to most teens, excited him. He would get more opportunities once he got back into the company. However, he had to focus on himself first. He was still pretty addicted to the edibles he consumed. On top of that, a wrestling storyline had become a reality. Edge had engaged in an affair with Lita, Matt Hardy’s girlfriend. It was unsettling, considering Matt was out with an injury.

While he was cooking one day, Aiken got a call from a familiar number. It wasn’t his father’s. He knew it that much. He decided to answer the phone.


“Aiken?” A familiar voice got on the line. Aiken widened his eyes. There’s no way he got it, he thought to himself.

“Hunter? Is that you?” Aiken couldn’t believe it. First of all, how did he get this number? Second of all, if Freddy did give him the number, does that mean he’s back? The other voice on the line responded.

“Yeah, it’s me. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come back for a little cameo.” Aiken turned off his stove and went to the couch to sit down.

“A cameo? For what?” he asked curiously.

“Your father’s storyline with Lita,” he replied. “I know you’re probably feeling iffy about it-”

“Iffy? Hunter, I’m against it completely! Does my mother at least know about this?” There was deafening silence on the other line for a minute before Hunter sighed.

“How can I tell you this.. Vince didn’t want her to know, so she didn’t tell her. He paid Edge money for it to remain only within the company.” Aiken was enraged. Vince didn’t get consent to go through with it? Now he’s paying people to keep quiet about it? Aiken went to refuse but realized all the opportunities he had at that moment.

“Y’know what? Yeah, I’ll do the cameo. When do you want me?” Aiken wrote down the time on a piece of paper and hung up the phone. He went back to cooking, having thought of multiple scenarios of how he could confront his dad. As he finished his food and walked over to the table, he began to have a vision.

Aiken appeared at the dinner table at his old Canada home. It was him, Edge, his adopted mom, his bio mom, Christian, Lita, and Matt. They all seemed to be talking to each other. Aiken seemed to be minding his own business, except he was still a teenager. Suddenly, Lita tapped her glass with a knife.

“Everyone,” she began to announce. “I have an announcement to make, I’m dating Adam!” Matt and Aiken looked at each other, equally shocked. They watched as Edge and Lita held hands. Everyone clapped, except for Matt, Christian, and Aiken. Even his own mother was clapping. Were there problems? What was going on?

Matt jumped out of his chair and began to strangle Edge. Aiken’s eyes went wide as he tried to stop Matt. It was no use. Matt was pushed away as Edge and Lita began making out on the dinner table. Christian grabbed Aiken’s hand and got him out.

“What the hell has gotten into him..” he mumbled. Aiken’s bio mom shrugged.

“I don’t know, but at least I have my baby back.”

Aiken snapped out of his thoughts after hearing those words echo through his head for a while. He stared at his food, completely lost of appetite. He sighed, looking over to the locked drawer that he held his edibles in. He resisted the urge to stand up and go get them. He stayed put in this chair and tried to eat the food he made. It looked fine. It’s not like he burnt the entire thing on the stove. Once he finally ate, he headed for the arena to talk about his cameo. He was greeted by Freddy, who brought him to Edge. He could hear the audience from the locker room, so he went to the door where Edge was.

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