One Night Only

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The next five years were rocky for Aiken. He had relapsed in late 2010 and was once again back in his cycle of addiction. This time, he had a decent idea of handling it. He had Florence and his father on speed dial, in case it got really bad. Fortunately, by this time, he had been having more good days than bad days. He remained a prominent backstage figure, as well as Florence. Wrestlemania season was fast approaching, which meant another Hall of Fame. Shawn was supposed to be the headline inductee, but no one knew who to have induct him. While Triple H was one of the most suggested options, Vince had an idea of his own, calling the two into his office after Raw. They were confused at first.

Have a seat, you two! Vince motioned to the two chairs in front of his desk.

Are we in trouble, sir? Florence asked nervously as her and Aiken sat down.

Not at all, Vince replied. Now, as you two know, the Hall of Fame is approaching. We have no one to induct Shawn. Thats why everyone wants you both to induct him! Aiken looked shocked.

Sir, I thought Hunter was going to induct him- Aiken stammered, confused.

He was, Vince said. But he thought you two would be the better people to induct him.

I accept, Florence stood up. He changed the way I saw wrestling forever. What do you say, Aiken? Aiken shrugged.

Ill consider and Ill get back to you by the end of the week, sir.

Great! Vince exclaimed. Thank you. The two nodded before exiting. Aiken crossed his arms and leaned against the wall nearby his dressing room.

Aiken? Florence asked. I thought youd accept as well.

Flo, I dont want him to see me like.. Aikens voice faded.


Like this. I dont want him to see me as some..junkie who takes edibles for the hell of it! The two were silent for a minute. It wasnt a thinking silence but rather one of those awkward ones when you're at a family dinner and your uncles drunkenly rambling about taxes. It was that kind of silence.

I could get you some help, Florence suggested.

I can quit on my own, Aiken insisted. Florence sighed.
There you go again pushing me away..

Im not trying to, Flo! Aiken exclaimed before sighing. I just dont want to seem weak, yknow?

Youll only be weak if you let this take over your life! Alright, lets make a bet. If you stay sober for at least 6 months, you wont need rehab.

Six months? Yeesh, thats a lot. Can we try just four? Florence thought for a moment before nodding and shaking Aikens hand. The deal was on. For weeks leading up to the Hall of Fame, Aiken avoided any and all company parties. He didnt want to drink or risk getting near any drugs. He decided to burn the stash he had for the future. If he had none stored away, he wouldnt relapse, at least thats what he thought. Anytime someone asked if he wanted to party, hed make up an excuse not to go. As much as he hated it, he didnt wanna go to rehab. He was doing this for her, for his dad, for Shawn.

The day soon came and Aiken grew excited. He had almost surpassed the time of the bet. He decided to pick out an extra special outfit. When he got to the building, he saw Florence. She was wearing a red lace gown with black heels. Her jaw practically dropped seeing Aiken in his outfit.

You like? Aiken asked. You look like youve seen a ghost!

That still fits?! Florence shouted in shock. You havent worn that in years! Aiken laughed with Florence.

Just wait till Shawn sees this! Florence put her fingers through Aikens now short hair. Before the Hall of Fame, Aiken had let his hair grow to make himself look like Axl Rose. Now, it was short, just like his teenage years. It brought Florence back when Aiken and Shawn started the Associates. Now, it was like the 90s all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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