Chapter 9: Pain

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"Wake up, my prescious darling.", a voice called out to you. Pannicing, you opened up your eyes, looking up and directly into the robots two visible yellow eyes. Again he smiled at you, sending shivvers down your spine. You blinked a few times before opepening your eyes completely.

"Rise and shine my dear! We have a lot to do today.", the machine said again, strawling over to you and stroking your cheek softly. You wanted him to take his hand off of your cheek. But there was no way you could make him leave your cheek alone.

"So my dear,...", the man zet again started speaking, while walking to the nearby cabinet, getting yet another pill for you. " your pill. Breakfast might come after our first appointment.". YOu wagely nodded and opened your mouth as soon as he approached you, sticking out your tongue. Smiling happily, he placed the pill into your mouth and you swollowed it again. The taste of this little pill was again bitter, making your tongue burn and feel numm.

"Werry well, my darling. You are so great to work with!", the robot happily exclamed before lifting you up from your bed. He unchained your torso, hands and neck, so you could sit up. As you sat up streight, the man rechained your hands again to the bed.

"Lovely, this may hurt a little bit. But unfortunately, you are not allowed to see, where we are going.". You just looked streight forward, blinking from time to time, so that your eyes did not get dry.

The metallic man left your sight, before returning back into your view with a surringe in hand. He came to the left side of your bed, then rolled up the sleef of your shirt.

"Please hold still, darling. I don't want to make this more complicated than it already is for me.", he ordered, sighing before surchiing vor one of your vains. As soon as he found one, he desinfected it, cleaned it and then...then...

Then he stabbed you with the neadle, making you yelp and wine by his sudden action. He pressed something on the bag, what was attached to the neadle, making a strange liquid run inside your arm. After a surtain time, your arm started hurting. Luckily, the robot pulled out the little neadle and then put everything away. He cleaned the neadle and neatly put it back into the cabinet.

"You did verry good, darling.", he praised you. "You really are a prescious little thing, aren't you?". The robot smiled and went back over to your bed. The liquid, that he put into your arm, made your whole body go limb. The erge of fighting left your soul. Everything felt so...strange. You layed down again, while the mechanic man bandaged your wound. He never stopped smiling. Then, everything slowly went black, as you fought against falling to sleep.

"Don't fight it, my prescious darling. There is nothing to fight against. If you feel tired, just sleep.", the soft voice said. You just heard it as a faint wisper far, far away from you. So you stoped fighting against it, drifting farer away into sleep...


As you awoke, you found sourself in an unfamiliar place. Everything was light and the surface you layed on felt cold. What was this for a strange place? YOu looked at the seeling.

Bright lights shone into your face, blinding you with their brightness. As you looked further around, you found yourself on an operating tabel, your body was chained against it. Even if you wanted to move, there was no choice for you moving away. YOu were trapped.

Suddenly, the door opened and someone walked in. The clicking of heels made you notise the robot walking in. But there was another person walking with him. They both made their way over to your spot, looking at you. The robot stayed a bit behind, walking to a cornor of the room. Just a reptile monster made their way over to you, the wide, insane grin on their face scaring you to death.

Broken soul. (UF! Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now