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Pierce, against his better judgement continued to gulp down the alcohol in his hands.

"Anyway, who's turn is it?" He asked.

"Yours." Blair answered.

"Ummm..." Pierce started, searching his brain for another question, preferably one that doesn't suck.

"What do you want to be?"

"What do I want to be?"

"Yeah, what career path are you going down? What are you going to be studying at the university?"

Blair clasped her hands together and ignored the fact that he technically just asked three questions.

"Well, I actually don't quite know yet. I mean I love reading and writing so I'm majoring in english. But, I don't know if that's something I want to do my entire life. Honestly other than planning to get out of here, believe it or not I haven't given it much thought. I know that I really want to help people, and I want to inspire them." BLair looked at Pierce, her cheeks pink and tucked her hair behind her ears, "As cheesy as it is to say it, I want to do something good for the world, I want to make some sort of impact."

Pierce smiled and shook his head.

"I- I know it sounds really stupid and unattainable..." She started to talk faster, an attempt to cover her tracks and get rid of the embarrassment. "But I- it's a dream of mine and-"

Blair stopped talking when Pierce grabbed her hand.

"No Blair it's not stupid. In my wildest dreams I want the same thing. It's not something I am or will ever be capable of and I know that. But you-" He smiled and glanced over at her. "You can and will achieve greatness. It's meant to be."

Blair hesitated before responding. "I don't think you give yourself enough credit."

He snorted.

"No, I'm serious. You are actually really smart, you have strong opinions, you can go a long way if you put your mind to it. I mean I haven't known you for long but I know you're a decent enough guy... you know if you look past the asshole part."

Shocked at what she just said, Blair covered her mouth, eyes wide.

"Wow, did little miss Blair just say her first swear word?" Pierce joked before laughing.

"See this is what I'm talking about!" She unclasped her hand from his and nudged him in the ribs.

She looked at Pierce who was still laughing. Giving in, she joined him.

"I guess it was kinda funny." She agreed.


Smile ur beautiful. :)

Follow my insta @/ loudestsilence_

Funny story.... I accidentally liked a pic of my cousins on that account which is my second account and she followed me. I had to tell her it was me and it was kinda awkward, I felt bad about the whole thing cause she dmed me wanting to talk and stuff. I post like personal poems and stuff so it's kinda weird knowing that she read them and I really don't want the rest of my family to find out so yeah that sucks. The worst part is that normally I rant about my problems on there and I couldn't so here I am ranting on here...

Long story short I will still be posting poems on there so please check it out.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I will post next weekend.


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