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On Friday night Blair opened the door to greet the tall, blonde haired boy who, as promised by his mother was going to bring her out on a date. 

"Hello," she smiled brightly, trying her hardest to not let it show how weird she thought the whole set up was.

"Hi," He smiled charmingly at Blair and then at her mother a few feet away, "It's nice to meet you both."

He seemed sweet and he was beyond gorgeous. She couldn't help but feel a little bit excited that he wanted to go out with her, even if it was some awkward set up by their parents. Maybe she would actually like him. Maybe she could finally forget about Pierce and the entire Principal's office situation. 

Her mother smiled encouragingly at her and handed her the purse she chose to match her outfit.  They had picked it out together, a navy blue dress that landed mid thigh with a little collar and her black heeled boots. It was definitely a look Blair would have worn. But so much had changed, she wasn't sure what she could really see herself wearing now, let alone how she just simply saw herself. Despite that, it was nice to spend some more time with her mom, and seeing her eyes light up when she put the dress on was enough of a reason to wear it regardless. 

"You look beautiful," her mother whispered to her as she gave her a hug, "have a wonderful time tonight darling." Darling. The word gave Blair chills and brought tears to her eyes. She quickly blinked them away. It had been so long since she heard her mother call her anything besides her first name. It felt good, warm. It felt like she was finally home. 

"Thanks mom." 

The two left the house, Blair's mom closing the door behind them with a huge smile on her face. Perhaps she felt that everything was working out as well. 

The boy led her to his car, opening her door and closing it behind her. Nobody had ever done that for her. Butterflies erupted in her stomach and her cheeks flushed pink. She looked around the car, it looked expensive. He looked expensive too. She looked up at him through her hair, trying not to make it too noticeable that she was checking him out. His hair was pushed back, revealing beautiful brown eyes. He wore a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. She could see his muscles buldging through the fabric as he opened his door, got in and put on his seat belt. He glanced at her a second and she realized that he probably was waiting for her to put on her seat belt. If it was even possible for her to blush more, she did. Blair put on her seat belt and he turned on the car, backing out of the long driveway to her house. 

A few minutes went by and neither of them spoke a word. Blair's initial giddiness was starting to fade and she was questioning why she agreed to go out with this guy in the first place. This was awkward. Did he even want to be there? She clasped her hands together and cleared her throat. He glanced her way and then steadied his gaze back on the road. She glanced at him and then at her lap. Nervousness washed over her. She felt an anxiety attack coming. No, please no. Not now, she thought. But regardless of what she wanted, it started. Her breathing got heavier, the air was suffocating. She felt so dizzy, the road looked like it had 6 lanes. She pushed down the button to open the window and stuck her head out as fast as she could. The air felt nice but she still felt like she was going to explode. The wind rushed over her face and she closed her eyes. If they were shut then maybe the world would stop. Maybe this wasn't actually happening, maybe she wasn't really in a car with a strange, beautiful, intimidating boy that obviously did not want to be here with her. 

He looked over at her, confusion clouded his expression and then he pulled the car over. They were then in a secluded parking lot, trees cluttered most of the area that wasn't pavement. Blair mentally slapped herself. She felt embarrassed that he, whoever he was had to see her like this. And the poor guy was probably so confused. But, as soon as the car stopped, she flung herself out, kneeling on the pavement below her the ground seemed like it was tilting in every direction. She begged herself not to cry, and even worse not to throw up. 

Furrowing his eyebrows together he got out of the car and headed towards her. 

"Take this," he said and looking up Blair saw him holding a water bottle. Well, she saw three of him holding out a water bottle. Gratefully she took it and immediately took a big gulp. The cold water felt so good going down her throat and she felt herself calming down a bit. The boy didn't exactly look confused, more awkward because he didn't know what to do with himself in the situation. Her breathing slowed and she looked up at him who looked down at her with a concerned expression. She tried to apologize with her eyes. She didn't know what to say so all she could manage was "Thank you."

Without replying he held his hands out, reluctantly she took them and he hoisted her up onto her feet. Grabbing her arm, he led her over to the curb and got her to sit down. There was a huge tree above them and she was happy for the shade. He sat down beside her. They said nothing for a few moments and this time it felt nice. It was almost like they had some kind of understanding. Blair was still beyond embarrassed by what had just happened but for some reason she felt like he wasn't judging her? 

"Okay?" He asked. It looked like he wanted to reach out and touch her but for some reason he refrained. 

"Yeah, I'm okay." Blair smiled and small smile up at him and then looked down at her feet. 

"H-how did you know what to do just now?" She stuttered, genuinely wondering why he wasn't completely confused and horrified by some random girl sticking her head out his window and flinging herself into a parking lot. 

"What do you mean?" He looked at her, eyes crinkling in the corners.

"I mean, why were you so calm during all that, how did you know to give me water and space? And you knew exactly when to move me over here too."

"Oh, well," he shook his head and then propped his arms up on his knees, "I have anxiety attacks all the time, really it's no big deal."

Blair was shocked. She had never met someone who experienced anxiety attacks like her. Of course, everybody who talked to her had stories to share about a time when they were nervous but nobody could identify with the spiraling out of control, the world is spinning, kind of panic attacks she got. Until now at least. 

Maybe her mom was right, were they a good match?


Hey, I hope you liked this chapter, I have a lot of ideas for this book so please keep reading and please vote on the chapters, it would mean a lot to me.

Also what should I name this new boy lol?

Nobody really reads this book anymore and it's probably because I stopped writing it for so long but I'm kind of sad about it. I would love it if you would share the story with your friends if you like it.

Also, I started a new book called "Where the sun can't reach" and I'm very excited for it. I started a poetry type book as well called "Words Sewn Together With Golden Thread". It would mean so much to me if you would check any of them out, they all mean so much to me and I hope even one person can appreciate what I'm writing.

I'm going to try to be more active and update everything more often I've just been really unmotivated and kinda sad lately so It's been hard. But writing really does make me feel better.

If you would like to keep up with me, my twitter and instagram are both sydneybertrandd and my youtube channel is sydney bertrand. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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