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Tap, tap, tap. Pierce was tapping Blairs bobby pin on the whiskey bottle still in his grasp. He decided not to drink any more of the contents but having the bottle in his hand made him feel in control, something he hasn't felt since he's been with Blair.

Tap, tap, tap.

It was now around 1 AM and Blair was absolutely positive she couldn't keep her eyes open for much longer. Besides, if she didn't get some rest she wouldn't be ready for classes in the morning.

Tap, tap, tap.

Her plan was to some how fall asleep in the chair she was sitting in, get home once Mr.Woodley opens his office and get back to school just in time for first period... No way she was messing up her perfect attendance.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Pierce can you stop that. It's really annoying, I have to get to sleep."

He sighed and put the bottle down.

"You're going to sleep in that chair?"



"Because I'm tired..."

"It doesn't look comfortable."

"It's fine. I need to sleep for school tomorrow."

Pierce laughed. "Don't tell me you're actually going."

"Yeah..." She answered, "Why not?"

"uh 'cause we're locked in here all night.:"

"I'm still going."

He scoffed. "Who cares about attendance, really?"

"I do."

He waited a few seconds before adding, "We will probably get in a lot of shit for being in here anyways."

"What do you mean?" Blair asked.

"I mean, we broke into the school, we will probably get suspended for it. " Pierce explained to her like she was an idiot.

And truthfully she felt like one. How could she not have even thought about that? She was so caught up in Pierce and the rush of doing something bad for once in her life that she didn't even consider the consequences.

"Oh my god." Her eyes widened. She felt the panic come all at once. The thought of getting in so much trouble that she could be expelled from school scared her to the point that she felt she could pass out at any moment. Her record would now be tarnished and if that affected her admittance into collage at all she would never forgive herself.

Pierce got up from the floor and walked over to where Blair was sitting. "I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

Pierce decided to take the blame for the whole situation. He knew that if it wasn't for him there is no way in hell that Blair would be in the school at all.

Blair looked at him. "It's okay."

She wasn't mad at Pierce, although she partly blamed him for all of this, she knew that she agreed to it, so she was in the wrong too. And honestly, she wasn't entirely sure that she regretted the night at all.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Expect another one really soon!

I go back to school in a couple weeks ;(((((

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