Chapter 1

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Haileys POV

8 months had passed since Jay moved to Bolivia for his new job. He needed this time to find himself again and that's why I supported him in his decision even though it broke my heart.
This week he finally comes back and then I will never let him go again.

For security reasons we were not allowed to have contact via phone. Once a month I got a letter from him and I always sent him one back. I read his letters every night before I went to bed and put on one of his shirts so I felt closer to him.

There was one thing I never mentioned in the letter because I couldn't tell him these kind of news in a letter.
Two weeks after he left I had a positive pregnancy test in my hand.
A month ago our daughter was born. Hiding was definitely not the right way either but in this situation there was no right solution.

Without the help of Will,my brother-in-law I wouldn't have known how to get through this time.
3 months ago Will moved into our apartment so I wouldn't be alone when labor started and also to support me in the early weeks with the baby.

I had just put my and Jay's daughter Luna Trudy Upton-Halstead to bed and would have loved to join her.
The sleepless nights were getting to me.
Will was a great help, but he couldn't nurse her.
Unfortunately, he sometimes got my bad mood when I was too tired and it was the same the other way around after all, he didn't get much sleep either and had to go to work.
I just came out of the bedroom when the doorbell rang. It must have been Will, he left for work 10 minutes ago and must have forgotten something.
I went to the door. "Will what did you forget this time? You're not supposed to ring the doorbell" I said annoyed while opening the door. Luna was a light sleeper and could have been woken up by the ringing.

But Will was not standing in front of the door. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that smile, which made my heart beat faster every time I saw it.
"So,if you were expecting Will I might as well go" said Jay, who stood smirking at the door.
I jumped into his arms, "Don't you dare. If you leave now, I'd get my gun and shoot you in the leg so you'd stay."
Jay laughed and just held me tight in his arms.
"You wouldn't believe how much I missed you,Hailey.Your straight talk and your attitude.I just missed everything about you."
He put me down and kissed me.
I returned the kiss and finally felt his soft lips on mine again that it was hard to put into words what I was feeling in this moment.
"I can believe it because I missed you just as much if not more Jay.Why didn't you tell me exactly when you were coming? Will and I would have picked you up at the airport."

Jay came into the apartment and set his things down "I didn't know exactly what day I was flying home myself until last week. And if you had known, I wouldn't have been able to surprise you after all, you definitely weren't expecting me now so my surprise worked."
We sat down on the sofa and Jay put his arm around me.
"You succeeded with the surprise but I have a surprise for you aswell and you can't beat it." I told him and didn't know how to explain to him that this surprise was his daughter he didn't know about.

"You have a surprise for me.Should I guess what it is or will you tell me?" asked Jay me.
"Guessing isn't a bad idea.You have three tries but you probably won't figure it out" I said looking him in the eyes.
"Challenge accepted, you know I'm good at that Hails. So my first guess is that you got promoted and are now running the unit."

"Wrong, well actually not even completely wrong but that's not the surprise I mean. I'm running the unit, but I haven't taken the sergeant's exam yet. Voight was put on early retirement after a case of misconduct and then there was an exception that I could run the unit as a detective with Platt as my right hand and deputy until I take the sergeant exams, but I don't want to take the sergeant exams yet. I want you to take the sergeant exams and lead this unit the right way. That's been cleared with the chief and he would support you."
"Wow Hailey that's really great news.I'm incredibly proud of you for leading the unit.I would love to lead the unit preferably with you by my side but why don't you want to take the sergeant exams? "
"When you come up with the surprise, you'll understand," I said with a cheeky grin, after all, he's not going to come up with the surprise on his own.

"That confuses me now why would the surprise influence such a decision but anyway I'll just guess. Did you buy me a lion?" Hailey started laughing when I asked her that.
"No I didn't buy you a lion because that would be illegal and I wouldn't share an apartment with a lion."
"But you know I've wanted a lion since my fifth birthday, you can ask Will to confirm that."
"I know you want a lion but you're not getting one.You have one last shot to guess."

"Okay, I really have no idea. Maybe new lingerie and sex."
"No that's not the surprise either though I did buy some new lingerie while you were in Bolivia,for our first night together when you got home."
"So I'm not so wrong then and I get sex?" Jay smirked at me and started kissing my neck and slide his hand under my shirt.
"You'll get sex later.After all we have 8 months of catching up to do in all sorts of areas and that includes sex" I said grinning and enjoying his touch.
Jay suddenly stopped and looked at me "Somehow that bra is different than the ones you usually wear and your boobs seem bigger than I remember them"
I had to laugh "You're right the bra is different and my boobs are bigger but there's a reason for that and it's the surprise."
I stood up and took Jay's hand "Come with me." We went into the bedroom,there was a crib against the wall. Jay looks back and forth between me and the crib in shock.
"I want to introduce you to someone" I said and walked with Jay closer to Luna's bed so we could watch Luna sleep.
"This is your daughter Luna Trudy Upton-Halstead.She is one month old now. Shortly after you left I found out about the pregnancy but I didn't want to just write you a letter about it" I tried to explain myself.
"It's all good Hailey.She's perfect just like you.My girls" Jay smiled proudly,he kissed Luna on the forehead and then kissed me. I returned the kiss smiling and was glad Jay wasn't mad at me for hiding it. "Thank you for the best surprise of my life Hailey, I never expected that." Jay said and looked at me happily.

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